Halloween Fly Fishing - The Ultimate Bite

Halloween and fly fishing may seem like an odd mix, but not for true anglers. Yep, I'm talking about the ultimate test of your abilities and nerve. Dracula's River Okay, everyone knows the story of Count Dracula. The book is huge and has been turned into more than a few scary movies. The one the frightened me the most was the recent edition in which Keanu Reaves attempted to speak with an English accent. Truly scary. Anyway, the interesting thing about Dracula is that it is based on a real person. Vlad the Impaler was a nasty man by any definition. By Vlad, I mean the Romanian Prince, not the Angels outfielder that blasts home runs...except in the playoffs to my dismay. With a nickname like "Impaler", I shouldn't have to recite his resume, but will mention that he had a thing for long sticks with one end buried in the ground and the other end sharpened to a point. It was very wise to stay on his good side - "Vlad, did you lose some weight?" and so on. Vlad ruled Romania during his reign and was such an enthusiast for impaling that those in the lumber business look back upon him with sighs of happiness. As anyone knows from the book, Vlad had his home office at Bran Castle in the Carpathian Mountains although he maintained branch offices in London. In fact, the castle stands today and you can spend your hard earned tourist money strolling about the grounds, buying fake fangs, garlic and so on. What isn't widely known, of course, is Bran Castle was never the home of Vlad, who apparently didn't care for the overly religious d