Generate Unlimited Lease Option Buyers FREE
Want a quick way to generate some L/O without spending a dime on
I thought I would take the time to contribute something of value
to the group. So, I'll let you in on how I do it.
Pick up the Newspaper, or pull your local paper up on line, also
go to craigslist and look for everybody that is Advertising
"Rent To Own" (RTO) and compile a call list.
Here's what you say when you call them...
"Hi I was calling about the house for rent to own. I'm an
investor also and I have a few houses coming up very soon and I
thought we might be able to help each other out. What are you
doing with the names and numbers will all the people who aren't
interested in your house. (probably throwing them away) What if
you could still make a few hundred bucks off of the people?
Hopefully even covering your advertising costs... What I can do
is handle these people and put them into a house and you get
paid. All you have to do is make sure you get me the name and
number and I will follow up with them."
I'm serious about this... I have used this technique to
generate 50-60 leads a week. Imagine you call these potential
L/O buyers. Ask them: 1. What kind of house are you looking for
(beds, baths, garage, etc.)? 2. How much can you afford per
month? 3. How much do you have for a downpayment? 4. How soon do
you need to move.
Now you have the receipe for success. Imagine having just 5
serious buyers that have $5k each to invest.... How quick can
you find them a house to make $25,000??
Much Success,
-Dustin Scaffide
P.S - For the next 7 people I'm offering an opportunity of a
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