Holistic Healing and food

Holistic Healing and food Final part of healing will take place in the body. Or at least on the space of the body, since the God's Spirit descends from above your head and cleans all repressed cell memories. What is a role of food in it? Proper food make you sensitive for the subtle body and accelerates healing both of the body and mind. That's why in hindu culture there is strong emphasis on being vegetarian. Basicaly hydration of the body is very important, drinking much of pure mineral water and herbal teas. Fruits are best in the morning or on an empty stomach, when you mix them with other foods they often create acid and indigestion. Much vegetables and grains, ocassionaly some beans ( they are more heavy ) will be in most cases the best option. For more details you need to look into your own case, listen to your body and experiment little bit. For instance climat plays here also role. Foods best to be avoided are: white sugar, colorants, meat, hydrogeneted oils, vinegar, foods containing pesticides or other highly manufactured substances. I hope that short info will help you in your holistic healing journey. Peace Jakub Filipek www.lulu.com/holyinstant