Creative Real Estate Financing
There are literally hundreds of different ways to acquire real
estate. In future articles, and in my blog, I will be sharing
some of the many different innovative techniques used in
creative real estate financing. In this article, were going to
explore a very useful and profitable creative real estate
financing technique commonly called Lease Purchase Options. For
ease of explanation, we will refer to Lease Purchase Options as
Lease Purchase.
What exactly is a Lease Purchase?
A Lease Purchase is a process where a rental agreement is
combined with a purchase or an option contract. Price, length of
contract, escrow instructions, rent credit and other pertinent
terms are all negotiated in advance. This allows the
tenant/buyer to have a defined percentage or dollar amount to be
credited to a down payment or off of the total purchase price of
the property when a payment is made. First and foremost, you
must know what needs, wants, and desires the "right" property
will fulfill. It is obvious that those needs, wants, and desires
will be the requirements of someone. That someone is the
investor. It is the investor who establishes the value of any
piece of property in the marketplace by his or her requirements.
A real estate investor always has only two considerations. Those
two things are:
1. A return on investment or Profit. (also known as ROI) 2. A
return of investment or Security.
Remember that no matter what the circumstances are surrounding
an investment, these two considerations are always the same:
some form of profit (i.e. dollars, property exchange or other
goods and services, tax savings, personal use) and security, or
an assurance that the original investment will remain intact and
can be recovered.
The Lease Purchase, (also known as a lease option), has
everything an investor needs to make a profitable investment in
real estate. Utilizing small down payments of 1% to 2%, an
investor can control properties that would usually require 10%
to 30% down, without ever having to see a lender or go through
the loan application process.
There are three different ways a good deal can generate profits.
1. Cash upfront with option consideration 2. Cash monthly in the
form of rent 3. Cash at closing or a note
Other options involve "flipping" of the optioned property to a
third party or just acting as a consultant for the buyer and
seller, retaining a portion of the option agreement. Controlling
properties by creating a lease purchase option is, by far, the
best way to be involved in controlling homes and obtaining great
cash flow, high profits and minimum risk. Lease Purchase may be
the best way to create a quick cash flow for the first time
homeowner or even the seasoned investor.
The key ingredients in putting together a profitable Lease
Option are:
1. Finding a motivated seller 2. Determining what his Needs and
Wants are and creating a win/win situation. 3. Finding a
Question: Where do I find a Motivated Seller? Good question.
Remember a motivated sellers' number one objective is to get rid
of their property - as soon as possible. A sellers' motivation
can come from many different situations:
* Relocation - job transfers * Financial difficulties *
Death/divorce * Tennant problems * Change in family size *
Building a new home
You need to determine what the sellers' motivation is once you
contact them. Often a seller is facing financial difficulties
and at other times it's just that he no longer wants to be
bothered with the property because he now has other interests.
Our first priority then in talking with the individual initially
is to determine Wants versus Needs. Most motivated sellers fall
in the Need category. Their situation may not be negative. In
the above list there are some items that are very positive for
the seller. But still it remains, that this property is no
longer needed for whatever reason(s).
You can find these deals:
* Looking in classified ads - "Homes for rent or lease" or "For
sale by Owner" ads. You can ask if they would be interested in
giving an option to buy their property if you lease it from
them. * Distributing flyers and/or mailers stating, " I can buy
or lease your home" or "I can buy or lease your home in 24
hours! Any size, any condition, any location. Call (your name)
(000) 123-4567 * Running an ad in your local paper stating you
are looking to lease a home. You can ask if they would consider
an option after the owner contacts you.)
Question: Where do I find tenant buyers?
Your tenant/buyer is someone who desperately wants his or her
own home, but for one reason or another, getting bank financing
will not work for them at the present time. They either have
credit problems, don't have the large down payment necessary to
qualify or they don't have a high enough income. - You have the
ability to give this person an opportunity to realize their
* Run an ad such as this: "Rent to Own. If you can rent you can
own! Stop paying off your landlords' mortgage! You can rent to
own your own home even with poor credit! Call (your name) (000)
123-4567 * Send mailers to occupants in neighboring apartment
complexes asking if they're tired of renting and if they would
like to own their own homes.
Some benefits of a lease option for the Investor are:
1. You now control another persons' asset. You're in a position
to make money on a property you don't even own. 2. Provides a
positive cash flow opportunity. 3. You have no closing costs. 4.
A Lease/Option agreement is a unilateral contract - the seller
must perform. You are not bound in any way. If the property
should depreciate in value or some other catastrophic event
occur, you can simply walk away. 5. You don't have tax or
insurance costs. 6. You are buying the property tomorrow at
today's prices. 7. Little or no money needed up front. 8. Very
little management needed. Tenant/buyers take much pride in the
property and therefore tend to keep it up and even improve upon
it. That's because they have an interest in owning it - not just
renting it.