Setting up Your Own Affiliate Program (part one)
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Setting up Your Own Affiliate Program (part one)
This week we will start the first of a two part series on
starting your own affiliate program. Joining an affiliate
program is a neat way to make money from your users. But just as
you can join someone else's affiliate program, so you can set up
your own program and invite webmasters to sign up.
So...what would that bring you? The same as you're bringing your
affiliate partners: deals. Every time someone sends you a user
who gives you money, you give a portion of that money to your
affiliate. It's an easy way to generate traffic and earn cash.
And you don't need to be a programming genius to set up an
affiliate program. There are a whole bunch of companies out
there that offer entire affiliate kits right off the shelf.
Ultimate Affiliate lets you run a fully featured affiliate
program from your website. It integrates with virtually every
payment method, awards down-line commissions, and can handle
high-traffic websites. You can edit the sign-up form to match
the "look and feel" of your site as well as delete some of the
optional fields. The administration area allows you to edit
affiliates and commissions, create printable reports of money
due, export the data to a text file, view the traffic through
your affiliate program, and much more. Your affiliates can log
in at any time and see their traffic and commission statistics
as well as change their information and get links and banner
Once the program is set up you'll only need to log in once a
month to print out a list of the affiliates, their addresses,
and the money owed. You can do this quarterly if you wish. You
can export the payments owed to a text file in PayPal's "mass
pay" format and then just upload it to your PayPal account to
pay everyone automatically. Or, you can simply write your own
checks. If you have to pay a lot of commissions, there is a
check printing service called Upload the file and
they'll print and mail your checks for a fee of about 80 cents
Alternatively, Locked Area Pro is an advanced member's area
management system offering very good security that's easy to
maintain. The system provides a huge list of useful features
including automated sign-up, user account validation, optional
random password generation and an administration approve/decline
account feature. It also comes with an extremely powerful
control panel with an online administration of users, backup,
and full customization facilities from the browser. A statistics
system is also in built in. What more could you want?
Any time you run a program where your affiliates rely on other
signups to generate profits, you will eventually have a problem
with spam. One of your affiliates will inevitably get it into
their head to blitz the Web with unwanted garbage.
When this happens you need to be ready to take action--
otherwise it will cost you! Your Internet Company can boot you
off your server and you can find yourself blacklisted. Not good
for business. If you get an email from someone claiming they
received spam with your URL, then take it as an early warning. I
am not advising you to immediately terminate the affiliate's
account, but be sure to contact them to follow up on the
complaint. Let your affiliate know you received a complaint and
advise them to remove this person from their list.
If you only get one or two complaints, it's probably not
spam--the complainants might simply have signed up for an email
list and forgotten all about it. You will know when one of your
affiliates is spamming, because you will get anywhere from 10 to
100 complaints in the same day all regarding the same URL. The
best thing to do in this case is to immediately terminate or
disable the account of the affiliate URL that was spammed.
This concludes the first instalment of my two part series on
starting your own affiliate program. Stay tuned for more. = = =
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