What's next for Internet Browsers?
With new browsers coming out all of the time, no one can really
predict what the future holds for internet browsing. As of right
now, most people who surf the internet use Internet Explorer
(IE) as their browser of choice. Over the past years IE has not
really changed that much, and since Internet Explorer has a
monopoly over other browsers, it really doesn't have to. The
fact is though, that the Internet Explorer browser and some
other browsers could be much better. There are many browsers to
choose from on the internet, with a variety of features, but
what we want is one browser that has it all.
The perfect browser would be one with great security and
complete compatibility with all Web standards. It is very hard
to make a browser that can display every website that uses old
Web standards, and display new and more advanced websites using
new Web standards. The perfect browser would be one that could
seamlessly integrate with plug-ins and other add-ons that are
available on the net today. The hardest part would really be
designing a browser that runs ActiveX and other Web technologies
without compromising files outside of the browser, without the
user having to deal with security alerts and other nuances.
If a company were to get the opportunity to design a browser
that actually suits everyone's needs, they would have to balance
between those who make Web sites and those who view them. Also,
the ability to block pop up ads and other annoyances should be
available at the touch of a key. Another feature that should be
mandatory is the ability to download the Web sites text before
the images. This will decrease your waiting time and make your
internet surfing speedier.
Navigation is also a major area that current browser designers
need to address. Many users go back and forth between many
different web sites and as of right now just about every browser
does not make this task as simple as it could be. For example,
and tabbed and ordered navigation system along the left side of
your browser would be perfect for locating pages that you have
just viewed but need to get back to, and other pages that you
have looked at in the past but don't remember the exact URL of
the page.
Searching is another very important factor of a good browser,
and I don't just mean the web. Wouldn't it be nice if you
browser could search your computer also! Then you would
literally have everything available right at your fingertips, in
one easy to use program. Another search function that browsers
perform is a page search, which basically can search for a
specific word or sentence on whatever web page you are looking
at. To expand that, and make it better, they should also enhance
the search and provide the ability to search for all grammatical
forms of a certain word and other advanced search options that
will allow you to find what you are looking for on a big web
page with lots of content.
To sum things up, an integration of useful toolbars, better
navigation of browsing history and other enhanced functions will
be what makes the browser of the future that everyone will use.
So watch out Microsoft, if you don't get on the ball Internet
Explorer will soon become a thing of the past. Remember, a good
browser should be an information manager, since it's primary use
is to gather information.