My PC Has Adware, What Should I Do?
I gotta tell ya, when I first got my computer when it was brand
new, it worked like a charm! Then as I got a little bit more
familiar with it, friends and family suggested I try some online
applications. One was this cute purple ape that would help you
surf the net.. or so I thought.
Turns out that damn application, along with a few others I
installed, what were supposed to help increase my productivity,
ended up doing exactly the opposite!
Sound familiar to you? Well, if so, then your not alone.
Millions of computer users around the world have their PC's
infected with adware, and don't even know it. What's adware you
say? Well, its any application that records what you do (or do
not do) and reports that data back to third party vendors.
Now I know this sounds like covert ops stuff, but its really big
business. See, the truth of the matter is these advertisers make
a lot of money off of knowing your computer habits. Things like,
where you go, what you do, how long your there, where you
clicked, etc. Its kind of scary when you think about it. They
come up with the applications that are usually disguised as
innocent toolbars or programs that will show you the weather,
etc. Once you install these things, they leach and lurk
throughout your machine, slowing it down to no end.
They don't care that you may have work to do, a report for
school, or if your playing a game. Their job is to report back
to their vendors what your doing, and how you do it. This way,
these advertisers can come up with better targeted ads that will
be used to get you to click on this link, or buy this product.
There is hope though, and it can return your computer back to
you, the rightful owner. You can download to your PC some adware
removal tools that will take out all of the know adware off your
machine, and in the process, speed it up too.
It's usually a quick download and install, and the applications
are easy to use. Usually you let it scan your machine for a list
of known offenders, and it does the rest, scouring your machine
looking for them. When it does find any, it makes a list of what
adware you have, what it does, and flags it for removal.
All you need to do then is say yes, and it takes them out fast.
Then you just reboot your machine, and waalaa! Fast and fun
computing just like your used to.
So there is light at the end of the tunnel for your PC. Now you
know, so go get your PC scanned and cleaned today.