Increase Your Referrals, Increase Your Marketing Results With
This Little Twist
Whenever you send out your direct marketing next time, send a
copy to people you know well, friends, relatives, networking
groups, chamber members you work with, committee members, trade
association members you know personally, but with a little
twist. Send a copy to anyone who knows you well.
If you send them the direct marketing piece it will appear that
you are marketing to those that are close to you and, sometimes,
that just isn't taken well, they feel imposed on. But this time,
when you send it, attach a post-it note over it, or paper clip a
note and wrap it around the top. Either hand write on the
post-it, or, as I do, I set up my printer to print 4 on an 8
1/2x11 sheet of paper, cut them out, and attach them to the
direct marketing piece. My signature was scanned in so it looks
hand signed.
The note looks a little like this:
Hi John I'm doing a seminar that frequently doubles small
businesses. If you know of someone who might benefit from
attending I'd really appreciate you passing this along. Thanks
The marketing brochure stands on its own. I'm just asking if he
can pass it on if he knows of someone.
The typical result is * I get a lot of referrals, the response
rate is much higher for this batch, than the others that go out
cold. * I am building a reputation, and brand awareness among my
friends, co-workers, and miscellaneous committees I work with.
They know what I am doing and are referring business even at
other times. And they didn't feel imposed on by my marketing. *
Many times my friends and co-workers come for their own benefit.
They come freely instead of feeling that I imposed on them with
my marketing.