Getting into Mailing: What Printers Need to Know

Many printers, frustrated with minimal revenue gains, look to mailing services to drive incremental profits. Adding mailing services can offer synergy with existing printing services, with minimal investment and a fast learning curve. Are You Ready? Recent surveys indicate 65 percent of everything printed is eventually mailed. If your printing jobs follow this pattern, you could be ready to incorporate mailing services into your business. Step one is to review your mailing-service plans with key customers, whose buy-in is critical to your success. These discussions will provide a better understanding of what it will take to get the job done, which in turn can strongly influence initial software and equipment priorities. Likely components may include a workstation (minimally, a powerful desktop PC equipped with USPS-approved presorting software); an inkjet addressing machine; work tables for staging; a strapper, tabber, postage meter and scale; plus a conveyor, inserter, and assorted supplies. Naturally, you