Choosing a University For Higher Learning
Pretty much everyone has heard of a college or university. So
what exactly is a university and what do you need to know if you
are planning on attending one. A university is an institution of
higher learning. After typical high school, a person has the
option to continue their education by going to a university. The
main purpose of a university is to prepare the person for a
vocation. For example, if you want to be a lawyer, judge,
doctor, etc, you will want to take courses at a university to
certify you in that profession.
A university is a group of colleges under the same
administration. A university will have two divisions - a
graduate school and a four year undergraduate program. The four
year undergraduate program is a liberal arts college that
provides a broad cultural background. The graduate school is for
students with bachelor's degrees that want to advance to a
Master's or Doctorate's degree.
There are many different types of universities. There are
schools to teach people to be students. There are also schools
to teach people fields and professions such as commerce,
journalism, law enforcement and more. Some colleges have
different names according to what they teach. For example,
schools for theology are sometimes called seminaries and
military universities are called academies.
When you are choosing a university to attend, there are several
different things you should consider. For one, is the academic
program. This is obviously important since this is the reason
why you will be going to school to begin with. You will also
want to consider the expenses because universities can be very
expensive. Cost is a big factor. You can sometimes get
scholarships and loans that can help over the costs of your
college education.