Secured Loans - One Loan, Several Uses

Whenever there is an urgent need for money, the obvious thing to do is to borrow. If the amount is small, you can borrow it from friends and relatives. However, if the amount is large or you are unable to get it from an acquaintance, you will have to take out a loan. Loans are of two types - secured and unsecured. Secured loans are very popular because they can be used for a number of purposes. There are a number of secured loans depending on the purpose for which they are taken out. If you want to purchase a house, you can take out a home loan. A home loan is secured against the house that is being bought. If you fail to repay the loan, your house may be repossessed by the lender. You can also take out a second home loan against the new house or your primary residence. If your house is already mortgaged, you can refinance your existing home loan by replacing it with a new loan. This can save your money since a new loan usually has a lower rate of interest than the existing loan. Car loans are also secured loans. Just like a home loan, a car loan is secured against the car that is being bought. The car runs the risk of getting repossessed in case of a default. Just like home loans, the loan period of car loans is spread over a number of years. This helps to reduce the amount of monthly payments. The most popular secured loan is a homeowner loan. Homeowner loans can be taken out by only those who own a house. The house is offered as a security in case of homeowner loans. Homeowner loans can be used for a number of purposes. You can use a homeowner loan to consolidate your debt. All your high rate loans can be replaced by a low rate homeowner loan. This will reduce your debt burden. Besides being used for a number of purposes, secured loans offer several other benefits. The most conspicuous benefit is low rate of interest. Other benefits include flexible repayment terms, small amount of monthly payments, easy availability, etc.