Homeowners Tips: Cleaning Up after a Flood Strikes
The value of knowing how to respond to an emergency has never
been so clear, with one of the worst hurricane seasons ever
behind us. Educating yourself on what to do in a flood,
therefore, is one of the key disaster preparedness issues. Here
are some valuable tips homeowners should be aware of when
cleaning up damage left behind by a flood.
Don't Go Near the Water: Floodwaters can be some of the most
contaminated water you will ever come in contact with. Seek
medical attention right away if you or a family member has been
exposed to flood waters for any length of time. Topical
floodwater contact could lead to serious infections. If you
believe you or anyone else has drunk floodwater, seek medical
care at your local hospital or clinic as soon as possible, as
the dangers of infection are even worse.
Tread Lightly: Stay out of any buildings or structures that
still have floodwaters encircling them. Don't underestimate
structural damage floodwaters can cause. A structure's
foundation can be significantly weakened by floodwaters in
relatively short periods of time, especially in older
structures. Foundations can sink and become unstable, causing
cracks and gaps in the flooring, even a house' total collapse
without warning. An apparently sound structure may also have
suffered gas leaks, electrical damage, or water line damage, so
you should steer clear of such buildings until local officials
have declared them safe .
Wait Until the All-Clear: Just because the rain has stopped and
the floodwater seems to be withdrawing, doesn't mean its safe to
go home and start cleaning up. Of course you'll be anxious to
find out what damage if any has been done to your property, but
sometimes, floodwater damage creates many a hazard that requires
professional clean up before the area is cleared as safe to
local area residents. Keep watching for information on the
weather if you have access to local radio or television
stations, which will inform you of any threat from incoming
storms, or other floodwater-related dangers in your area.
Handle with Care: You should inspect flood-damaged buildings
cautiously once local officials have judged the area safe. Start
with examining your house carefully. Tread carefully; flood
damage can weaken structures. Do not smoke inside the building.
(gas leak hazard) Bring battery-operated flashlights or lanterns
as electricity may be cut off. Study the floors, walls, doors,
staircases, and windows closely to make sure the house is not in
danger of collapsing, using the flashlight to look at the
foundation for cracks or other signs of damage.
After you've examined the structural integrity of the building,
check for damage to the utility systems. Find and note down
damage to the building's gas, electrical, and sewage system.
Check for gas leaks by listening for a small hissing noise and
smelling the gas in the air. If you suspect a gas leak, shut off
the main valve immediately and contact the gas company.
Scrutinize the building's electrical system. Any broken, frayed,
or loose wires are spots for worry. If you see any sparks or
smell any burning, immediately turn off the electricity at the
circuit breaker or fuse box.
You will also need to check out your home's sewage system. Avoid
using the toilet and call a plumber if you believe the sewage
lines have been damaged. If fresh water pipes have also been
damaged, call your water company and don't drink water from the