MLM Training: How Duplication Happens

This business is a simple process. Get three people to join your organization. Those three get three people. And so on, and so on. Repeat that process just six times, and you will have 3,279 people in your organization. But the problem is, it never works out that way. Why? One of the biggest reasons is because you can't sell someone on an opportunity - they have to buy it. What do I mean by that? Most people spend their time selling their opportunity. They tell the prospect how great the company is. They get excited about the product line. They talk about how lucrative the pay plan is. They believe their enthusiasm will rub off on the prospect, and the prospect will get excited, too. The problem is that excitement is short-lived. Ever root for your favorite team in a big sporting event? How do you feel when your team wins? Great, right? But how long does that feeling last? A few hours? A few days? Maybe a couple of weeks? The point is, you get excited for a short time, and then you move on with your life. The same is true in this industry. If you sell, and get someone excited, the average person will only stay excited for a relatively short time. In most cases, not long enough to produce any meaningful results. And then they quit and move on with their lives. The key is to get people to buy into your business for their personal reasons. They have to see it as a regular part of their life. It has to fit into their daily routine. Getting involved has to be their idea. In order to do this, you must change your approach to the way you recruit people. Selling may get people in, but your business will never experience long-term growth. You will see people drop out faster than they got in. A good example of this is a lead generation method we told you about last week. This method produced amazing results for us. We were so excited about it we wanted to share it with our Conversational Recruiting subscribers and customers. Our enthusiasm got passed on to a few of you, but it quickly died. Excitement only works in the short-term, and this is a long-term business. Ed Forteau & Kevin Paschke are Creators of considered by many top MLM income earners to be the Best MLM Training Course ever developed. Sign-up for their Free 15-Day Advanced Mini-Course and see for yourself.