Post Nasal Drip is developed from respiratory problems. When you are very ill, for example with an Influenza virus, you have troubles with complications with mucus. It is completely natural for mucus to come through your nasal passages, but if there is too much mucus that is developed, it will lead through your throat instead of the nostrils where it should be leaving.
Post Nasal Drip can become a chronic illness by association of sinuses or allergies. When you develop a cough with phlegm the mucus can go into the bronchial tubes. Usually this happens when you are asleep.
The symptoms of Post Nasal Drip include the following: itching from the nose, eyes, throat and palate to go along with sneezing, eyes that are watery and even congestion. It can develop from simple things such as cigarette smoke or any kind of tobacco or contaminants of the air. There are also other possible symptoms that include mucus running down the back of your throat. You may end up experiencing a cough, soar throat or hoarseness in your voice.
A lot of times people confuse the infection with a common cold or virus. If you develop any of these symptoms you should schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as you possibly can. You will also be able to find out if you are temporarily suffering from the infection, or whether it is chronic.
Maria Gonzalez is webmaster of the Bad Breath Problems site. This site information and adivce on bad breath problems (& halitosis). For more articles on bad breath, visit our Bad Breath article page.