Iraq - War for Jesus - a Greek Myth Character!

We are presently engaged in a World War. The Muslim 911 was the first shot. In retaliation the President of the United States announced that he was launching a Crusade. The Crusades were a thousand years ago when the Pope marched his Christian army across Europe, slaughtering every Jew in their path, reclaiming the Holy Land for Jesus Christ where the Christian Crusaders stood knee deep in Muslim blood in Jerusalem. So far the United States has conquered Iraq and Afghanistan and it is now threatening Iran and Syria. This week President Bush said that so far 2,000 American people have died in Iraq and 30,000 Iraqis. The Crusade for the Christian God Jesus is now escalating into the Apocalypse, the sudden violent end of life on Earth in Nuclear World War 3, which will have no survivors as every nuclear scientist knows. 2 billion intelligent Christians today Dec. 30, 2005 believe in their God Jesus Christ, that he is the Messiah and that he will rescue them all from Nuclear World War 3 the Apocalypse and Rapture them all up into Heaven to be in eternal blissful Paradise with God and the Angels forever, simply because they have faith in Jesus Christ. They believe their book of Revelations that soon Jesus Christ will come flying down from heaven on a flying white horse to save them and their children from human made Nuclear World War 3, They do not know that the story in the book of Revelations (Rev. 9:17-19; Rev. 19) about the Prince Jesus on the flying white horse defeating Satan and his riders and horses is a complete plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon and Pegasus his flying horse who destroyed the Chimera, a mythical fire breathing monster with a lion's head, a goat's body and a serpent's tale. Pegasus later got stung by a gadfly and threw Bellerophon to Earth where he landed in a thorn bush and came to an inglorious end lonely and accursed. The New Testament was first begun in Greek decades after Jesus died. The Greek Gospel authors knew the Greek Myths. Their grandparents wrote them. The Greek Goddess of all things was named Eurynome. Eurynome was immaculately conceived by a white dove and the wind. Then she took the form of a white dove. Later, as a woman, she danced upon the water. The Gospel Writers' character Jesus is a plagiarism of characters from the Greek Myths Eurynome, Bellerophon, Orestes and many others. The Greek Bible writers didn't have to get the people to give up their Gods - they just changed their names - just as the Romans adopted the Greek Gods by renaming them. The irony of the Christian Muslim War is that 1 billion intelligent Muslim people also believe that Jesus was the Messiah, a miracle worker, born to the Virgin Mary. (Koran Sura, Chapter 3:40-43). They too are awaiting the second coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ (Sura 4:157). 20 million Christians and Jews died in WW2, "The War Against the Jews", an attack on the entire Jewish race because their Jewish ancestors 2,000 years earlier had allegedly murdered Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was Elected God of Christianity by the Church Fathers at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The Christian belief that the Jews murdered their God Jesus is a belief that kills and keeps on killing. This belief caused the original Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Pogroms and WWII, The War Against the Jews where 20 million Christian and Jewish children were killed. This same belief is now even money to trigger the Apocalypse. Jesus was a Jewish reform Rabbi and Prophet painted with Godlike qualities by the Greek New Testament Bible Writers. God of Mount Sinai carved the 10 commandments in stone and gave them to Moses 3,200 years ago. The 6th commandment is "Don't Murder", accurately translated from the Old Testament, which has been adopted as the Holy Scripture of Christianity and Islam too. In the Old Testament, the Holy Bible of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God of Mount Sinai called the Holy Bible writers a bunch of ignorant drunks forging His Will, signing God's name to their own stories and laws. (Ezekiel 13:1-22). God of Mount Sinai says right in the Holy Bible of these 3 religions that the Bible Writers were creating for the people a shelter, a refuge of lies and falsehoods which would cause the people to fall backwards and be broken and ensnared and taken, except for the 10 commandments. (Isaiah 28:9-15). Jesus Christ spent his entire ministry saying the exact same thing. God of Mount Sinai is the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. God of Mount Sinai is also named God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Allah, and Elohim. Several questions arise from all of this. How could incredibly brilliant human beings who have flown to the moon, and have thousands of Bible Scholars, and Greek Myth Scholars, professors and students, not be well aware of all of this? If they are well aware of this then why are they all covering it up? How is all of this not common knowledge? We are talking here about falsehoods and lies and myths that are leading us all right now into extinction. The Temple of Love straightens out this entire mess. It makes Peace among the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Everyone else on Earth, and unites them all. The problem is that no one is interested in uniting or in World Peace. Inwardly violent human beings brainwashed from birth are immune from the truth. When the truth enters their brains antibodies attack and kill the true facts as if they were hostile invaders. The human thirst for blood will not ever be quenched by a few truths. Humans cannot wait for the Apocalypse, when Jesus will fly down from Heaven and save them and their children so that they can say, "Look, we were right!" The history of life on Earth, about to come to an end, is a comic tragedy that even the Greek Myth writers would not have dared to write because no one would have believed it, not even humans.