If At First You Don't Succeed...

...try, try again! That's how the saying goes. And the American left adheres to that philosophy like no other! For years the left has been trying "Bish is Hilter" and "Bush is Evil" and "Conservatives are NAZIs" as their main "intellectual" debate against the current President of these United States and doing so without success. Dropping poll numbers have nothing to do with left wing lunatics and their ranting but rather a disenchanted conservative base tired of open borders, rampant spending, promotion of unconstitutional ideas such as "campaign finance reform", and most recently an incredibly weak pick for Supreme Court Justice in Harriet Miers. No doubt however the left knowing the depth of their previous mentioned arguments don't understand this. So they go back to the "Bush is Evil" argument thinking that that is what is to blame. Enter a teacher at Lake Ann Elementary who for Halloween decked out in a George Bush mask and a T-shirt that read "I am Evil". Wow. For a teacher I would expect more than the typical MoveOn.org or Democrat Underground thought process! Maybe the left hasn't figured it out yet. Call us "evil". It doesn't matter! We're proud to be called "evil conservatives" by you! It's a freaking badge of honor! It's an honor because YOU are calling "evil" support for limited government under article I, section 8 of the USC, supporting the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, supporting the constitutional right to freedom of religion (even in the town square), support for the right to own private property, support for the RIGHT to life of ALL Americans, and so on and so on and so on. And for this teacher, here are a couple really good Halloween costume ideas for next year that I hope some of your students and their parents might consider walking up to you in! 1) Bill Clinton in prison orange since after all he DID admit to committing perjury and since liberals love to call for people not even convicted of a crime to be hauled off to jail! 2) Sandy Berger in prison orange for stealing documents from the national archives! 3) Jane Fonda sitting atop a North Koreans AA cannon with a sign reading "I AM a traitor" 4) John Kerry wearing a sign reading "I AM a war criminal" (he admitted it after all) 5) Howard Dean in a straightjacket 6) Dick Durbin with a T-shirt that reads "Our troops are NAZIs" 7) Hillary Clinton in a t-shirt that reads "I am afraid of the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy'" 8 ) Al Gore with a couple paper ballots in his hand and a T-shirt saying "I DEMAND another recount!" Somehow despite being more truthful I doubt this teacher would find any of these acceptable!