The Risk of Blind Assistance

To: Honourable Shadow Cabinet Minister of Foreign Affairs Stockwell Day Prime Minister Paul Martin, in his speech yesterday at the UN, promised Canada's financial aid package to, and diplomatic support for the Palestinians, to aid in the expedition of the formation of a Palestinian State, now that Israel has disengaged from Gaza. Although this gesture by the Canadian Government would, on the surface, appear to be both generous and timely, I wonder if there are factors that have not been considered, simply because our understanding of the situation has been based upon trust in conclusions and statements purported as factual by the mass media? Yes, the Palestinian Arab people are impoverished, and it would be wonderful to know that Canadian aid is reaching them and caring for their needs. But, the premise of the formation of a Palestinian State carved out of territory formerly referred to as "Palestine" under the Ottoman Turks, and subsequently under the Syrian auspices, and formerly administered through the British Mandate, is not clearly understood by most folk in the West. First of all, there never EVER has been a sovereign nation of Palestine, let alone an Arab-only Palestine. Even the Palestine under the Romans was considered to be Jewish! This Jewish connection to the entire area referred to as The Holy Land of Palestine, has been the reality right up until the formation of the current nation of Israel, and in fact, the formation of a homeland for the Jews, mandated and recognized by the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations, was in its entirety to be given to the Jews. The United nations also officially recognized the right for Israeli sovereignty over the entire geographical (not nation) area formerly known as "Palestine." Although this has never been legally rescinded or changed, the UN obviously operates now under the facade that it was revamped. Therefore, to state Israel "illegally occupied" Gaza since 1967, or continues to "illegally occupy" any portion geographically west of the Jordan River, and therefore to intimate such land has been wrested from a national sovereign Arab Palestine, is not only deceptive, but patently dangerous when it comes to international relations. Applying the term "Palestinian" solely to Arabs who have lived in, or have come to live in the area, is only a recent development by the Arabs themselves since Israel became a nation. For a succinctly summarized explanation related to the sovereignty over the lands in what was considered to be the Holy Land, please go to and follow the links. This information is not hidden in a box, but is readily available from many reliable sources. This particular site condenses much of the information, with documentation and direct official quotes from the Balfour Declaration, the League of Nations, the United Nations, and gives documentation regarding the British Mandate. I'm afraid the politicians of the Western nations are being led around by the nose, and milked by the Arab world for massive amounts of funds, all collected under the guise of aid, much of which is being channeled into supporting terrorism. Massive relief grants have been sent to alleviate the poverty of the Palestinians, but still they live in squaller, and the population is no better off. Before promising more funds, should there not be an open accountability as to where such funding has gone, instead of throwing more money at the problem? I know our politicians are doing a wonderful job, spending hours of time in drafting appropriate decisions. But, it is necessary that those currently in positions of power be able to trust those who have been in office before them, or who currently sit in institutions such as the UN. Because, even within the UN, recent corruption has been brought to light. The latest example being the Oil for Food Program debacle. Therefore, it would do well for everyone to take time out to do some homework relative to the entire Middle East scenario before continuing to jump on the international band-wagon of popular political trends, decisions, declarations and funding. There are a number of questions which must be clarified: Who are the Palestinians? Is the commonly understood equation "Palestinians" are Arab citizens of a former nation called "Palestine," which was wrested from their jurisdiction by the presence and aggression of Britain, then Israel, actually true? And, is the conclusion being fed to us nightly by our media that the Withdrawal of Israel from Gaza has "returned" rightful ownership of Gaza to these "Palestinians" true? Will the push by the international community to form a sovereign Arab nation called Palestine, to co-exist alongside Israel in peace and security, carved out of the so-called "illegally occupied territories" literally lead to peace in the Middle East? Who is able to give us such a guarantee? How did the designation "illegally occupied territories" come to be acceptable terminology? What is so "illegal" about Israel's claim to the land, and who exactly has determined their presence is "illegal?" What geographical area was supposed to be given to the Jews for a homeland, and how was this mandated, and why is everyone now ignoring the internationally agreed upon declaration, which has never formally been reversed? Is it not possible that the rush to form a Palestinians State for the so-called Palestinians is based upon misunderstandings and outright lies? Therefore, would not such a State be patently "illegal?" Do the so-called Palestinians really desire a State of their own to co-exist along-side Israel, or do they have a more aggressive agenda? What is their real goal? Has anyone taken note of their rendition of a Middle East map? They do not show, or even name, Israel! The entire area is labeled "Palestine!" I am merely requesting, for the sake of Canada's reputation, that you check the historical record. Please also take note of what the Arab Palestinian leadership, along with the terrorist organizations, are stating. Read the translations from the Arab media. If we are a nation actively waging the War on Terror along with the United States, Britain, and others, then we had best understand our enemy! What everyone fails to comprehend, or refuses to believe, is that the Palestinians are actively on the front lines to deceive the West! And, they are doing a masterful job, because we are letting them get away with it! Would a Palestinian State be a nation of peace? If we are to take what they themselves are saying seriously within their own ranks, not a chance! So, why is Canada assisting in the effort toward the formation of what will likely become another terrorist State? Why, since Hamas is a terrorist organization, is PA Chairman Mamoud Abbas taking steps to include Hamas in the up-coming Palestinian elections, thus making room for them in his administration, while hoodwinking the West, declaring his opposition to their deadly shenanigans? Do our Canadian politicians understand the dangerous dichotomy, and that we are being played for fools? Is it not time our elected Government representatives took steps to honestly seek for the balanced truth, and then decisively stop the bed-time stories being fed by our media to the Canadian population? After-all, our hard-earned tax dollars are being played-with here!! Canadians are entitled to know the truth. Click here to read the rest of this article.