Energy Enhancement Meditation and the Psychology of Ego
Strategies of the Aloof and the Poor Me.
These psychological ego Strategies arise where separate
intelligences are split off from the central stem of your Soul
and are Archetypes created and used by the Hurt Inner Children.
Hurt Inner Children split off from the Central Soul personality
when the person gets traumatised by the painful and corrupt
actions of life.
These Hurt Inner Children flow in and out of your consciousness
and it is these split personalities which use the Strategies
like the Violator, the Poor Me and the Selfish Competitive Star
in order to get the attention and the Love of everyone around
The problem is that these psychology ego strategies always hurt
the people around them. Eventually they stop working and the
people around them throw them out.
With ego strategies, if you are rich everyone puts up with them,
their job depends on it, but no-one likes them.
Without someone pointing out the discrepancies in your
behaviour, you probably will not notice them..
As Gurdjieff said, "The personality that says I will get up
early in the morning is not the same personality who throws the
alarm clock out of the window!!."
This is the psychology of the split personality!
As the False Negative Emotions of Anger, Manicism, Seeking
Sympathy and Attention, Depression and Fear are Eliminated,
Emotional Integration with the Intelligence results in Willpower
and the Power of Doing.
This higher functionality is the result of healing these
The Aloof Strategy. When we remain quiet as a child, then our
mothers often ask if there is a problem. The psychological
strategy has worked! We have caught the attention, the energy,
the love of our mothers. Because of this people remain quiet and
show no love at inappropriate times, simply because this
strategy worked once.
The aloof use this psychological strategy to gain attention.
Once we had a client who used to constantly travel around the
world in order to remain aloof from his family and create food
for themselves and eat it separately. It certainly got their
Also the aloof psychology can work in combination with the Star.
Once we had a client who preferred to eat alone rather than eat
with others. The star made wonderful food which it used in order
to remain aloof.
The Poor me Strategy Further than the aloof strategy the Poor Me
gains energy by being sad or sick and by moaning and complaining.
Many people say that doctors surgeries are places where people
compete for who had the worse things that happened to them. The
combination of the Poor me and the Star.
They have some investment in always remaining sick, and that is
because it gets the attention of all the people around them.
As people get sick of their constant moaning the poor me
strategy begins to fail to get attention, as all of these
strategies eventually fail. Then something stronger is needed in
order to gain the attention and the POOR ME becomes an amputee,
Alcoholic or a Drug Addict.
They are so sad that one feels guilty to be happy in their
presence. Needless to say, this childish personality will do
anything, hurt or even kill themselves to gain your attention
and your Energy!
And if that does not work the Poor Me always flips into the
Violator Strategy in order to get attention. Ignore them and
they get Very Very Angry!!! This is the origin of many Bi-polar
Remember the Vampiric Strategy Sub-Personality does not care one
jot about its host, YOU!!
All it cares about is to perform its robotic programmed function
of gaining attention and love and energy from everyone around
them. The Strategies of the Vampire.
However, to remove these sub-personalities completely, the more
Advanced techniques of a Synthesis of Ancient Meditational
Techniques are absolutely necessary:-
It needs an Ancient Advanced Synthesis of Effective Techniques
for Gaining More Energy - Meditation, Shaktipat, Energy
Circulation, The Kundalini Kriyas, The Five Elemental Paths Of
The Chi Of Chinese Alchemical Taoism, The Grounding Of Negative
Energies, V.I.T.R.I.O.L, The Art Card Of The Thoth Tarot, Access
To Kundalini Energy, Strong Psychic Protection, Learn The
Merkaba, Pyramid Protection, Power Tower Protection, Create The
Antahkarana, Soul Fusion, Monadic Infusion, Logos Infusion. The
Painless Removal Of Stress, Trauma And Negative Emotion
Leading onto the more advanced Techniques of The Karma Clearing
Process. Karma Cleaning Process, Learning how to clean The Karma
>From Past Lives, Future Life, Future Lifetimes, Integrating Soul
Fragmentation And Retrieval of Inner Children, Selfish Ego Sub
Personalites, Life Destroying Strategies, The Aloof, The
Interrogator, The Violator, The Selfish Competitive Star, The
Vamp Or Don Juan, The Pleaser, The Blamer, The Critic, The King,
The Self Destructor, All The Destructive Vows From This And Past
Which results in The Creation Of Self Love, Love And Service.
Ponder on this..