Brainstorming for Enhanced Results

This powerful technique for problem-solving and idea generation puts you
in touch with imaginative capabilities by tapping into ideas that might
be buried or just waiting on the edge to be released.

The primary purposes of gathering to brainstorm are to take a flexible
look at solving a problem, overcoming an obstacle, creating a plan for a
new endeavor, and overall increasing the power of teamwork.

With greater openness - communication and cooperation among the
participants tends to increase. More than one possibility, solution, or
perspective is put forth which enhances the probability that a better
end product or service will result.

Once people are encouraged to share ideas without fear or censure,
judgment, or immediate evaluation - creative abilities flourish. The
quality of ideas rises and one idea tends to trigger another. This is
often referred to as synergy. It is also good to include people from
several arenas to gain more variety.

Too often, in work and community organizations, the people who will be
directly affected by a change are not asked to participate in the
planning stages. This could lead to an end result that may not be as
effective as it could have been - or worse - may be resented because it
is impractical or because of it being viewed as a forced
implementation. This certainly will not lead to a smooth transition or
good morale.

Overcoming resistance to change is enhanced when more people have a
stake in the planning and outcome. A stronger feeling of ownership
emerges which leads to an easier and more successful implementation.

Communication skills are improved during brainstorming sessions as
participants articulate their thoughts and feelings. Keeping track of
this output is important. If ideas are not written down they are too
easily forgotten. Seeing ideas together can lead people to see how two
or more may work in conjunction with another. Many useful ideas are
generated that may not be used for the current project but could prove
useful for later consideration or with other endeavors.

Brainstorming is wide open to interpretation and experimentation - let
your mind play with ideas rather than fighting them or applying too much
logic. Make replies to specific questions short - simply convey the
main idea. After several rounds have taken place, group the ideas into
categories and then start pursing how they can best be used.

Sessions using these brainstorming practices can be looked at with a
sense of pleasure and productivity if handled in the spirit of people at
all levels working together. Generating additional thoughts gets the
flow going towards the creation and implementation of whatever you are
working on, dreaming of, or playing with.

Instead of making one line resolutions for the new year - try
brainstorming for more options and possibilities to achieving that which
you seek. May each year bring you even more success, fun, and
synergistic projects and relationships.

About the Author

Copyright 2002 by Virginia Reeves. This article may be reprinted; inform the author via For more on creativity, success, communication, and enhancing your skills and talents for more growth,
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