Thetan Fighters Needed
Can you help to wipe Thetans from the face of the Earth? There
has been an explosion in Thetan awareness in the past 18 months.
This is due to the new movies starring Tom Cruise the famous
Beware the Dreaded Theet O Vac!
People are looking for a way to discover whether or not they
need to take measures to prevent the people around them from
this menace. There are a couple of effective ways that this can
be accomplished.
You can round up your loved ones and go to the local
scientology "church", they will get out the good old e-meter and
ask you a bunch of Very personal questions. Once you have
replied they will tell you need an audit. This was not included
in the first payment you made and will go on until you cannot
afford any more "treatment".
Another way is to build your own Theet O Meter and test yourself
and the people you love. The plans are available to anyone. You
can get them online for a donation of any size. Give whatever
you can afford! The inventor is not running a church, and has
said that there should be no price tag placed on the Plans. The
peace of mind that you will attain once you have built and used
the Theet O Meter will enable you and yours to live your life
with confidence. This is a great way to bring a great deal of
happiness to you and everyone that you have tested.
Beware the Dreaded Theet O Vac!
If your Thetan rate is not too high you can proceed as if you
are normal, if it is a little more than you feel comfortable
with you can make a donation to the Theet O Vac fund. This is
another invention from Del Germyn. It can be built in a couple
of hours or less and will enable the complete eradication of all
the Thetans on your person. It was invented in Canada and the
plans are hidden in the desert and will be given to the Human
race once a predetermined level of donations is reached. This
level was set by the Otila, that's the name of the guys from the
UFO they are from the planet Diegg V in the Nusiri-Deci system.
It is about 89 light years from Earth.
Please help, with your donation and the ones we have received so
far I expect to be able to retrieve the plans in August, 2006.
Once I have them back from the desert they will be emailed to
everyone on the donation email list.
Beware the Dreaded Theet O Vac!
"decimus nusiri diegg".