The Energy Enhancement Meditation Symbol
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Symbol contains the Twelve
Petalled Lotus of the Heart Center Chakra with One of the
Symbols of the Worlds Major Religions in Each One of the Petals.
Inside the symbol is the Hexagram - The Seal of Solomon, with
the Seven Chakras describing the Three Initiations on the Path
of Enlightenment -
* Initiation 1. The Opening of the Heart. Solar Plexus to Heart
Chakra. * Initiation 2. The Mastery of Relationships, Abdomen to
Throat Chakra. * Initiation 3. Enlightenment, Base to all the
Head Chakras, to the Soul and on seven higher paths of
Enlightenment and above.
At the Very Center of The Energy Enhancement Symbol is the Heart
Chakra radiating Peace and Light outwards.. like the Sun...
Each of the twelve petals of the Energy Enhancement Symbols
Heart Lotus contains a symbol of one of the major religions on
this planet symbolizing the fact that there is one God with
10,000 names and each of them is powered by the energy of the
Heart Chakra.
A necessary Planetary Synthesis of Religions., Ecumenism.
As Father Bede Griffiths said, "Each Religion is a Revelation
sent by God to one of the Saints and as such each of them is a
Precious Jewel in the ongoing Revelation of God."
As Swami Satchidananda said, "If the Religions cannot come
together as one, what chance have the Politicians?"
The Religions on The Energy Enhancement Symbol are..
Hinduism "In the effulgent lotus of the Heart dwells Brahman,
the Light of Lights." - Mundaka Upanishad.
Judaism "The Lord is my Light; Whom shall I Fear." - Psalms
Shinto "The Light of Divine Amaterasu shines forever." -
Kurorumi Munriada
Taoism "Following the Light the Sage takes care of All." - Lao
Buddhism, "The Radiance of the Buddha Shines Ceaselessly." The
Christianity, "I have come into the World as Light." - The Holy
Islam, "Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the earth." - The
Holy Koran
Sikhism, "God Being Truth is the One Light of All." - Adi Granth
African Faiths, "God is the Sun beaming Light everywhere," -
Tribal African
Native American Faiths, "The Light of Wakan-Tanka is upon my
People." - Song of Kahlaya
Other Known Faiths, "Truth is One, Paths are Many." - Swami
Faiths Still Unknown, "Truth is One, Paths are Many." - Swami