Christian Success- Success that Rises from the Ashes of Failure
Christian Success- Success that Rises from the Ashes of Failure
by Doug Firebaugh
"...Destroy this temple and I will raise it up again in three
days..." John 2:19
Jesus understood about rising again successfully after
something being destroyed.
Do you ?
Many times when we make the decision to create a Holy Success in
our life through the Spirit, many well meaning people will come
against you. They will destroy your excitment, focus, belief,
and actions to succeed.
They will try to put you down, and leave you in the dirt of
deception. They will try to firehose your Christian success with
the water of won't happen, and it's a waste of time. They will
try to bury you in grave of groans and excuses, and leave you
staggering on your feet.
They did Christ, but He understood His Success Power to Rise.
Do you understand your Success Power to rise again- through the
Holy Spirit?
Jesus has an incomprehensible way to touch you, help you up,
dust you off, then tell you that you will rise again in your
life, no matter what has happened. It is Supernatural, and can
overcome anything the world will throw your way.
God can overcome anything, including:
Business Failure.
Children Failure.
Financial Pressures.
Life Pressures.
And all of these can take you out, and shove you down, and leave
you lying in the dirt of doubt, and the mud of misery.
A far cry from massive Success in life!
Then You hear His Voice: "Be not afraid...for I will help you
rise again."
He has a history of rising, and He has His Hand out, waiting for
you to take It.
No matter what has happened in your life, and your Success
Journey, you can rise to a level of massive Success again!
Rising Again is the Master's Specialty.
If you are really suffering in Life's Trenches of Torture in any
point today, then understand:
You WILL rise again in the Success of Life!
RISE stands for:
"Realizing It's (the) Spirit's Empowerment"
When you realize it's HIS Power, not your's that will help you
back up, and keep you back up.
A new dawn has risen in your life.
Ask Him today to touch your circumstances, finances,
relationship, or whatever else has been buried in a tomb of
destruction. Then make a decision to start moving towards
Success again, but NOT in your power, but in the Success Power
of the Holy Spirit!
Make a goal of what you want restored in your life, and then
give it over to the Lord, and then ask yourself these 3
1) What did I learn from this failure and how is it applicable
to my future success?
2) What benefits will I obtain for my life by getting off my
rear and start focusing on getting back in the game, but this
time in a different and Supernatural Success Power?
3) What is the first thing that I need to do to start moving
towards this goal?
Then take that step with God by your side. It will rock your
world as a believer, and please God as well as your actions
demonstate FAITH. And it will increase His Working in your life
And also enlarge your Success as a believer and Christian.
blessings...doug firebaugh
(c) 2006/ HEM-all rights reserved