The Only Solution for World Peace
We know that this sounds insane, and too good to be true, but
the Messiah is now on Planet Earth. The Holy Biblical Signs of
his arrival from the Prophet Isaiah were that he was to be
accompanied by "great rocks of hail", (The breaking up of the
Antarctic Iceberg, and the breaking up of the Arctic Greenland
Iceberg), and "a great destroying tempest of overflowing
waters", (The Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina). 4 signs, North,
South, East, West. In the Holy Bibles of Christianity Islam and
Judaism God of Mount Sinai promised through the prophets Moses,
Isaiah, Malachi, Ezekiel, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad, that God
would smash down a wall, a Levi, with a destroying tempest of
overflowing waters, leaving filth in the streets, announcing
that the Messiah was on Earth. We wrote, dated, and predicted
all of this in detail with Biblical citations in March 2005
online at The Temple of Love, months before Katrina hit on
August 29, 2005. on New Page 3,
"Our Differences". In 33 AD the Jewish people in Israel believed
Psalm 2 that God would help the Messiah take a rod of iron and
smash the occupying Roman Empire just like God had helped Moses
part the Red Sea and drown the Egyptian Army. This did not
happen. Instead, Jesus united 2 billion Christian people today
with a few simple words. Then Muhammad united a billion Muslims
today with a few more words. Today, Nov. 4, 2005, the Christian
and Muslim people are expecting their Messiah Jesus Christ to
return on a flying white horse from Heaven to defeat the evil on
Earth and usher in an era of Peace forever. We hate to be
grinchlike, but this will not happen either. Saving life on
Earth is up to Us All. You, are the Messiah. By definition, All
of Us on Earth today, United as One, toward the common goal of
creating World Peace and Paradise on Earth Forever, have the
ability to create it now. We must all choose now weather to be
the saviors or the destroyers of all life on Earth forever. God
said through King David in Psalm 82:6, "You are Gods, You are
children of God, All of you." You are also potential Messiahs.
Our fate rests in our own hands. We survive or we perish. It's
up to us now. The Temple of Love Unites Christianity Islam
Judaism and Everyone else, and the countries they all live in,
by tying us together with our common threads and resolving all
of our differences. The Temple of Love is the only solution for
saving life on Earth from extinction in nuclear world war and
its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer. World
Peace is our only hope. We have become too smart, too
technologically advanced for Nuclear World War, and its
aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer, our present
heading, which will have zero survivors, unlike New Orleans and
the Tsunami. It's common knowledge.