Ark of the covenant; Ron Wyatt discovery and his comment on

The discovery of the lost Ark of the Covenant and the cave of John the Baptist stand as a proof of the reality of the past biblical events In his divine Ministry as a biblical archeologist, according to Ron, Jesus physically appeared to him and commended him of his good works and said to him, "I am on my way from South Africa to the New Jerusalem". According to Ron, after he had discovered the Ark, six Levites in Israel were assigned to get into the cave to bring out the ark but were struck dead by the four angels guiding the ark; these four angels helped him open the golden ark which contain the ten commandment. He also testified that, the cave will be an eternal resting place for the ark until when the New Jerusalem shall descend from heaven in the new earth with the 144000 virgin saints. According to Ron, the ark is located at the place our Lord was crucified and the blood of Jesus was flowing from the cross through the cracked rock down on to the top of the Mercy Seat below unknown to the whole world; thus the Mercy Seat known as the Ark of the Covenant was receiving the blood of the Lamb on the Cross as it was done in the days of Moses using the blood of Jesus as the last sacrifice for the sins of all man-kind For more details see the website About the coming tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah which is part of Ron discovery click here below Roy testimony in relation to the Ark and the New Jerusalem had earlier been revealed to me from the angel's scroll received since as far back as 1981 through which I got the revelation of the New Jerusalem in South Africa which is CAPE TOWN. Also other religious group in South Africa of Jewish origin testified that South Africa is a holy land and a wilderness near Cape Town is where Prophet Elijah will emerge and not in Israel; click on the link below or copy and paste on the text borad 20Elijah%20in%20Prophecy.htm About John the Baptist cave discovery, click on the link below Since I started writing my revelations and teaching and placing it on the internet, I started seeing lot of articles on those subjects and related issues from theologians around the world giving both similar and contrary interpretations. Readers should note that one cannot interprete the prophecies of the prophets written in the Holy Bible without having a spiritual guide through visions and dreams. You can only be correct in your interpretation on an event which had just occurred in the past and not something about the future to come. The Jews taught they can interpreter the prophecies of the prophets including the birth of Christ the Messiah and his death for the remission of sins; yet when it happened in their own eyes they did not believe even till date. However, the interpretations of those prophecies were giving by angels as regards the birth of the Messiah, his name to be called as Emanuel etc to the believers, So it is difficult to use the bible and foretell what shall happen tomorrow except you have been giving the revelation to that effect. Now on the issue of South Africa as a Holy Land, I am giving my revelation from the scroll given to me from God as predicted in Revelation chapter 10. I am a full citizen of Nigeria without South African link. I have not even been to that country but the Lord took me to show me the new site of the New Jerusalem in South Africa and then I started making my physical findings for a proof to the revelations from the scripture as no information about South Africa is mentioned in the Bible but was symbolically written which include most of the biblical features when compare to the history and the structure of Jerusalem. Many theologians laughed at me whenever I mentioned "South Africa" as holy land but the truth will be exposed at last. Now Jesus told Ron that "I am on my way from South Africa to the New Jerusalem", why not he said, "I am on my way from Israel to the New Jerusalem"; Jesus did not want to open up to Ron about the New Jerusalem relationship with South Africa for the fact that another Prophet like me is already on the campaign about the New Jerusalem unknown to Ron, The truth is that Jesus is no longer interested in the land of Israel. He has already married another Bride in South Africa which he refered to as his New Jerusalem where the Ark will be exposed to the whole world and "never", and I repeat "never" in Jerusalem of Israel where he was rejected by wicked Levites and her high priest and crucified him. Jerusalem in Israel is already cursed with a curse where the blood of the prophets was poured (see Mat. Chapter 21 and 23) They will never see any real biblical prophet in their own land until after the 1000 years is over when the new earth shall be created just as Ron has said as he was inspired just as I have written in my past article on the 'REVELATION OF JESUS SECOND COMING" in; click here below about the second coming of the Lord revelation About South Africa revelation, click here below or copy and past on the text board Evidently, in as much as the blood of Jesus they killed poured on the ark below, the blood of Jesus has already taken possession of the Ark of the Covenant and will never be released to Israel; he has already assigned it to South Africa his New bride. In as much as Jesus is the lamb of God used as the last sacrifices for sins, no amount of sacrifices will be received by the ark even they kill all the bullocks, cows, buffers, both young and old, none will be acceptable and will be even offending God by adding sin upon sin to repeating the sacrifices he had concluded. More so, according to Ron, the blood of Jesus he discovered dropping on the ark when taking for laboratory test, the cell is still active and the blood test proved that he was indeed the Son of God; please clink on the website of Ron for more details. The Ark will be released under the guidance of the end-time biblical prophet who must come first to restore all things and the ark must be restored in the new temple in Cape Town the New Jerusalem. Israel and the middle east region will be in a great tribulation and torment until they find a resting place for the Ark in South Africa. They shall begin to witness great biblical plagues because of the Ark in their own land and also South Africa will not be at please until she received the Ark and build her resting place on the table mountain of Cape then shall the anger of the Lord be averted. PROPHECY OF PROPHET GOODNEWS ADOLPHUS "ARISE O LORD AND RETURN TO YOUR RESTING PLACE; MAKE ALL THE WHOLE WORLD TREMBLE BECAUSE OF YOUR MIGHT UNTILL YOUR LAWS IS SHOWN TO THE WHOLE WORLD FOR A RENEWAL AND AS A GUIDE TO ALL THE SONS OF ABRAHAM; ANY NATION AND KINGDOM THAT WILL NOT BOW TO YOU SHALL PERISH; THOSE NATIONS SHALL BE UNTERLY WASTED LIKE SODOM AND GOMORAH. IT IS ENOUGH TO REMAIN IN A CAVE; COME OUT FROM YOUR HIDDING PLACE AND MANIFEST YOUR GLORY AND POWER TO ALL NATIONS. IN THOSE DAYS, YOU DEALT WITH THE PEOPLE OF ISREAL BUT NOW THE WHOLE WORLD FOR THE SAKE OF THE BLOOD OF YOUR SON SHED ON THE CROSS LET ISREAL WEEP AND MOURN FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SON THEY REJECTED AND KILLED WHEN THEY HAVE SEEN THAT YOUR GLORY HAD DEPARTED FROM THEM TO THE GENTILES WHO RECEIVED YOUR SON'S MESSAGE OF SALVATION AND THE ARK SHALL BE THEIR PRIDE"