How to beat a speeding ticket

Getting your license to drive is the first part of a time-honored passage into adulthood, but this passage is never really completed until the first time you've been pulled over and that same license requested by an officer of the law. The question of how to beat a speeding ticket is one obsessed over by first time drivers and veterans alike from the moment the red and blue lights begin to flash. Questions arise over whether it is better to just pay the ticket or to appear in court, and whether the ticket is even correct or was legally given. Opinions on how to beat a speeding ticket range from the rational to the far fetched and it can be difficult to see your way through to what is really going to work, and, more importantly, work without costing more time and money than the ticket is worth. Naturally the first way to learn how to beat a speeding ticket is just flat not to get one, but sooner or later, deserved or not, statistics show everyone takes a turn. Once that ticket is in hand most people begin turning to friends, family and internet resources for commiseration and information. Some just pay the ticket and try to forget about it, but statistics show that most tickets can be reduced or properly dismissed which saves not only money but preserves your driving record and claims against your insurance. Sites like ihatespeedingtickets quickly become a wellspring of information on not only how to beat a speeding ticket, but how to be confident in doing it and how to know when the law is on your side. The benefit of turning to someplace like is in having experts in the field, this site was founded by a retired police officer with twelve years of court experience, research the laws for your state and help you to confidentially find your way through the morale of legalese and win your case. We live in a world where information is very literally power, and where we can have this power at the tips of our fingers with the click of a mouse and clatter of a keyboard. There is no reason for simply putting the check in the mail, as though we don't already pay out enough, or spending hours researching how to beat a speeding ticket at the local library when there is immediate help at hand and a system that works. The next time you see those blinking lights, or if you are even now waiting for your day in court, pay a visit to and let information work for you.