Troubles with Global Economy; Do you see future problems with our global economic plans to make a one world system, where free trade and prosperity can rein the world over. Many world leaders have agreed a one-world system is best for all. It is in the interest of third world and in the interest of our Multi-National Conglomerates, their stockholders and the citizens of the country for us all to move up. This can be done with a few changes. Many are quite confident that if we look at some of the problems of the past and manage the World Bank this river can flow in greater volumes and at quicker speeds.
I propose a fee on inter-country currency exchanges. We have seen in the past many governments who try to control their capital inflows and exits with laws against outflows and thus restricting flow. But like a Hydropower plant, it cannot operate without significant flow. So in the end after such restrictions are made greed in currency speculations prevails and governments are literally punished for the previous currency flow policies. This is causing significant problems in trying to create a one world economic environment. We should have a fee on currency trading, for those countries, which are in the WTO. Those countries, which are not part of the WTO will now want to join since they have no adequate currency exchange controls or fees. Without the proper currency controls in place it will cause them to be the brunt of the newest currency traders speculative whims. Mind you, yes some of these countries have currency controls, but they do not work and have adverse side effects, that probably do more damage to their currency and economic stability than do the currency traders. Since it is usually not so good for the country trying to stabilize its currency to have traders screw with the floats and take profits as the currency re-adjusts in the market place under normal conditions, this will cause them to re think their role in the world economic plan and then join us on the prosperous planet plan.
Here is how I plan to fix this problem. If you trade currency in any WTO country, then 1% will be taken out of the transaction and set aside. If you trade currency on margin 1.5% will be taken out. If you bet against a currency on margin 2.5%. Now if a currency is fairly stable then now the numbers are a little more risky and therefore less likely to be traded, since 1-2% will be taken out in fees. Direct capital purchases, or direct trades (wheat for steel), or purchases of products or services are not inline for any fees. This money will be used to fund sewer treatment plants, water wells, water filtration, pipelines and communication projects for those third world countries who have application on file to join our WTO. With resources of these basic natures these countries can begin the inflow of investment capital to build basic factories and other facilities to produce for the world. All countries of the world will now want to do whatever it takes to join the WTO, and therefore without force join or apply to join because they wish to feed their people better and their leaders by doing so can stay in power.
Once these countries have clean water, and can grow crops to feed themselves and have inflow of investment capital, they can live a less impoverished life. Thus we bring them into the world as customers. They can then buy computers for schools, equipment to make roads and materials to build and thus we can create emerging markets by helping people rather than exploiting them. And everyone wins. We have more to gain long term if we are diligent in building than temporarily greedy short term for instant gain. Those who bet against markets and currencies are doing so at the detriment of everyone including their own longevity as a being. If we have more buyers of biotech products and genetically superior foods to feed the world and extend life of the individual thus getting more out of each persons personal experiences and education. If you live longer, you can do more and do it more efficiently as long as your health holds out.
If we work together we can set the Planet Plan up in such a way that will take into consideration the problems and manipulations of the past and turn them into gains for all. If someone speculates downside on a currency, which may make them rich, they will now be helping people of the world join the team and come out of impoverished situations. They can then begin to build and take care of their many other problems such as AIDS, malnutrition, tribal wars, crop failures, contaminated water, drug addictions, birth defects, excessive birth rates without controls, educational problems and mental illnesses caused by the entire list. We will also rid the world of these nut so religions and extremists. An educated populous will never buy that type of rhetoric or settle to live in such a hostile and negative environment. If no application is filed with the WTO, then there will be no gifts to these causes. Private foundations, United Nations Groups, Doctors Without Boarders, Red Crescent, Red Cross and others would still help the rest of the world and those countries not wishing to participate do not have to.
We will leave them alone, until which time they ask for help. A country, state cannot grow and sustain itself without the following things: Education, distribution, communication, basic infrastructure and a stabilized instrument of trade (and it could be anything; a flower, a cow, a bead, a rare metal, a raccoon skin). We are simply proposing the unit of currency to be the dollar or the future United-Euro (a future dollar-euro united), the WTO and simple rules to foster uninhibited growth without speculators causing inflation or devaluation of currencies for personal gains in currency trading. If they do, then their gains or losses will be the world