How To Use Public Domain Files Intelligently Part 6

In the previous 5 lessons of this series, we have only been considering public domain works that are in text form. But did you know there are music works in the public domain? And that there are movie clips in the public domain? And that there are works of art that are in the poublic domain? And yes, you can use these and not have to pay any royalties! Read on. Have you ever watched any movies on the Turner classic channel? Many of the movies shown are old classics dating back to the early 20s or 30s. Ted Turner offers these movies on his channel and makes millions without having to pay a cent in royalties! What he has done is simply take these old movies and broadcast them on his channel. You can be the Ted Turner of the internet by offering old movies that are in the public domain as downloads from your site. Don't worry. It's all 100% legal. You can also put them on CD or DVD and sell them. Amazing! Did you know there are sites doing this? They put old movies on VCDs and DVDs, brand themselves as a classic movies site and sell their products. What about old songs? Same thing. You can create an album of old classic songs in MP3 format and allow your customers to download them from your site. This MP3 download is legal. How about collecting old love songs and writing them on to a CD and do a Valentine giveaway :-) Plenty of possibilities. Here's an excellent directory on finding free sheet music. For more sources of finding, not just text, not just music but also pictures, jokes, classics, religious material, photos, images, video, poetry that are in the public domain, visit Please remember that although the songs themselves are in the public domain, a specific performance of the song by an artiste is NOT in the public domain. If J-Lo does a re-make of an old classic song, obviously her performance of the song is her copyright. And you cannot be distributing her MP3. Of course, you can also do your own re-make of the song with your band and you can own all copyrights to your version and sell it to rival J-Lo's release. :-) You can sell the audio or video under your own copyright. Did you know there are also classic paintings and artwork that are in the public domain? What can you do with these masterpieces? You can use these images and create posters, postcards, banners and graphics with the art piece as a backdrop. Those who have a way with words might also want to incorporate inspiring verses on the poster. And there you have your very own one-of-a-kind beautiful masterpiece products to sell! You can also work with copyright-free images, software, audio, technology, religious material, poetry, classics and more. Where do you these material? I have created a list you can download. ~ visit