The Process of Becoming Healthy, Make the Decision to Start the
I am a General Surgeon with a passion for Health and Wellness.
The number one New Years Resolution has to do with Health,
Exercise, and Diet. We all feel that it is the best time to
start for the first time or again. The percentage of people that
make it through the whole year is disappointingly small and here
is why I believe it happens. As I watch what is going on in the
media I am beginning to believe that we are becoming a "credit
card" society. What I mean by that is we get what we want now
and are willing to pay for it later, immediate gratification.
That does not work with our health. The media also suggests to
us that we can lose large amounts of weight or get a "six-pack"
abdomen in a six-eight week time frame. That is impossible in
all but extreme situations. We take these kinds of external
influences into consideration when it comes to our health and
look for those "immediate" results. Becoming "Healthy" is not an
overnight miracle; It is a process just like learning how to
walk is a process. You could not cheat that process or find any
shortcuts. You cannot take a seed and grow it to harvest in
three days. You cannot change or cheat the "Process" of nature.
As you read this article you are either becoming healthy or
unhealthy. You cannot stand still. It is just like if you were
standing on a staircase; you either go up or down, but cannot
stand on the same step forever. The question becomes "Do you
want to get Healthy?" You, first of all, need to know your
reasons for getting healthy. Some of us just need to look at our
medical history and there are a plethora of reasons there. We,
as a nation, are beginning to lead the world in obesity and
diabetes. Becoming healthy can reverse many of these trends.
Once you know your reasons, you need to make some commitments to
your cause. We, as human beings, are good at making commitments,
but, for the majority, do very poorly in carrying them out. Just
look at "New Years Resolutions." We also tend to react to crisis
faster than the subtle hints that we get everyday. We decide to
improve our health after the heart attack instead of doing
things to help prevent it.
There are two phrases to keep in mind as you consider the
content of this Letter. "The definition of insanity is doing the
same thing everyday expecting different results." We all are
guilty of that in all aspects of our lives, not just our health.
We feel that we can change our results with our old habits and
actions but if you continue to do what you have always done, you
will continue to get what you have always gotten. The other
phrase is: "If you want to make some changes in your life, you
have to make some changes in your life." Change is often
uncomfortable because we are so secure in our comfort zones, but
change is good. It is part of the "process". We will not make
these changes that we need to make to improve our health and
lives if the reasons for doing so are not important enough.
So with all of this as background, how does one get started?
Stated very simply, take the first step: make the decision to
start the journey. Every journey begins with the first step.
Make some commitments; develop new habits. You do that every day
of your life for your job or profession because you want the
result at the end of the week, a paycheck. What about another
result? Your good health.
One caution: Don't do it alone. Find yourself a mentor, someone
who has done what you want to do and is very successful at it.
In the area of health it may be your doctor, a personal trainer,
a nutritionist, etc. Find someone with the fruit on the tree and
follow their direction and advice. You will pay a golf pro to
improve your game. Find a pro in your health. Finally, set some
goals and go after them. Let your mentor guide you in the
process initially.
Remember this: Becoming healthy is a process, which must be an
ongoing journey. Learn to enjoy the journey for, believe it or
not, the success of achieving these goals is not in attaining
them, it is the "process" of becoming who or what you need to
become while you are doing it.