Progressive Jackpot Odds and Probabilities
Calculating odds and probabilities for classic slot machine
games with 3 reels with 10 symbols on each reel is simplicity
itself. You simply multiply the chances of hitting the correct
symbol on each real times the chances of hitting it on the other
2 reels. The formula looks like this in fact:
1/10 X 1/10 X 1/10 = 1/1000
A brief explanation: if there are 10 possible symbols on each
reel, then the chances of hitting 1 of those 10 is 1/10. The
chances of hitting that same symbol on all 3 reels is the
product of the chance of hitting it on each reel.
A casino makes its money by having payouts that aren't
equivalent to the true odds of hitting the jackpot. In a case
where you have a 1 in 1000 chance of hitting a jackpot, if you
paid out 999 to 1 or 998 to 1, the difference in the payout
versus the actual odds would be your resulting profit.
But progressive jackpots are sometimes tremendous. Sometimes you
can even find progressive jackpots of $1 million or more. In
order to accomplish this, slot machine manufacturers had to
become programmers, because realistically, a mechanical slot
machine was limited to 3 or 4 reels with 20 or so symbols on
each reel. A mechanical slot machine's reels are actual strips
of metal, and having more than 20 symbols on each of them made
them too large to actually operate the machine.
But with a random number generator program, a casino can set up
"virtual reels" with an unlimited number of symbols on each.
They can also set up multiple reels. Since the odds of hitting
the jackpot become much smaller, the amount of the jackpot can
become much larger.
Here's what the odds of hitting the jackpot are on a 3 reel
machine with 30 symbols, and for a 5 reel machine with 30
1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 = 1/27,000
1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 = 1/810,000
If the odds of hitting the jackpot are 1 in 810,000, you could
easily have a payout of $500,000 or even $600,000 and still
maintain a solidly profitable slot game.
Since progressive jackpots grow constantly until someone hits
the jackpot, you could theoretically make a positive expectation
bet on a slot machine game, IF the jackpot were large enough. In
the above example, if the jackpot were $810,001, you'd be making
a positive expectation bet.
The problem is that the slot machine manufacturers don't make it
that easy. They use algorithms in their random number generator
software that set up a % payout, so it's unknowable to a player
what the dollar amount on the jackpot must be to have a positive
expectation bet.
If I only knew the settings for Cash Splash or Wow Pot, maybe I could wait
until the jackpot were large enough to play, and make positive
expectation bets all the time. But on the other hand, just
having fun is usually positive expectation enough to suit me.