Paying The Right Price For Your Ezine Advertising
Ezine advertising can be very inexpensive but it is important to
know what you are paying for. Sometimes the cheapest ad you can
find really isn't the right ad for you and your marketing
campaign -- and if that is true then no matter how cheap the
price you paid too much.
There are several factors that influence the price of ezine
advertising but these are the five most important.
1. The type of ad. Usually you pay more for solo ads, then
sponsor ads, and less for classified ads.
2. The size of audience. How many subscribers does the ezine
have signed up? It is also helpful to know when the subscriber
base was last checked. Depending on their subscription
management system some bogus addresses sometimes get on a list.
3. The topic of the ezine. How focused is the subject matter and
audience interest? The more information you can learn about the
ezine's subject matter and subscriber demographics can help you
identify whether or not this match will be productive for you.
4. Single or package deal. Sometimes you can buy package deals
that include substantial discounts and even free ads. This is
worth checking out as you should really run an ad more than once
in any case to test its true response rate.
5. The advertising season. You are more likely to find discounts
and deals in the first part of the year (January or February) as
advertising tends to be a bit slower. You are least likely to
find discounts and deals at the end of the year (October,
November, December) as ad sales are high to take advantage of
the holiday buying season. Some ad calendars may shift due to
subject matter. For example, an ecommerce newsletter might gear
up at the beginning of the new year as people act on their New
Year resolutions (and attempt to pay off holiday debt).
As with anything you buy you should comparison shop as well as
apply these five factors to any ezine advertising deal you
encounter. There are many great ezine advertising deals out
there. Remember a high price tag is worth it if you can generate
a number of sales.