Is An Internet Class Right For You
While education has been available via the internet from the
beginning in recent years most mainstream educational
institutions have really embraced the web as an educational
medium. Sooner or later high school and college students are
faced with the question of whether or not to take an internet
class. In fact, a good number of mainstream, accredited
institutions even offer entire degree programs online.
While the internet can be a wonderful educational tool and
taking classes online can be very convenient, it is important to
note that taking an internet course is not for everyone. I have
taken internet classes and in recent years taught about 50
students every semester via the internet (for a mainstream,
accredited university) so I have a pretty good idea what to look
for in a successful internet student. How do you know whether or
not an internet course is right for you? You have to consider
three basic issues that can dramatically impact your success in
an online course:
* Technology--Skills, knowledge, and available equipment
* Learning Style
* Student behavior
Your knowledge of basic internet technology and the equipment
you have to use for your studies are important factors in your
success. Consider these areas:
* Consistent internet access
* Access to reliable, functional computer
* Copy-and-paste or cut-and-paste from one source to another
* Understand use of search engines
* Email account with ability to send and receive attachments
* Ability to forward and reply to emails
* Knowledge of appropriate email etiquette
* Post messages to a discussion board
* Post messages with attachments to a discussion board
* Visit sites by use of hyperlink or URL
* Move forward and backward through sites
* Download files from the Web
Most internet instructors do not consider it their job to guide
you through these areas. They expect that you already have a
working knowledge of using the internet and ready to get to work
on the course assignments and materials.
While technological skills can be easily learned, there are
other issues that affect student success in internet classes and
one of those is learning style.
How do you learn best? If you aren't sure you might want to
Are you a visual learner that learns best by sight? Then an
internet course should be suited for you. Are you an auditory
learner that learns best by hearing? Then an internet course may
not be suited to you (unless the instructor offers a number of
recorded lectures). Are you a text learner that learns best by
reading and/or writing? Then an internet course is probably
ideally suited for you. Are you a kinaesthetic learner that
learns best by using sensation or performing a task? Then an
internet course might work for you. An internet course simply
does not work well for some learning styles. However it is
ideally suited for people who learn best by reading and writing.
It is also important to remember that learning style is only one
part of the equation.
The final element to help you determine whether or not an
internet course is right for you is your own student behavior
and attitude? What is your primary reason for taking an internet
course? If it is convenience or scheduling then you are taking
an internet course for the right reason but if you perceive that
it will be an "easy" class with a lighter work load then you
might be in for a surprise! You should also consider your own
work style and ethic. Are you self-disciplined and able to set
and keep your goals and tasks? Then an internet course is
ideally suited for you, but if you require regular reminders to
keep up-to-date with your course work then you might want to
consider a different type of class.
An internet course requires you to be self-motivated and
self-disciplined. With the freedom and flexibility of the online
environment comes responsibility. The online process takes real
commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the
process. Staying up with the class and completing all work on
time is vital. Once a student gets behind, it is almost
impossible to catch up.
Once you have fully considered all three critical areas:
technology, learning style, and student behavior, then you
should be ready to determine if you are ready to take an
internet class. Many students find that they love taking classes
on the internet and in fact seem to be more successful in an
internet class. However some students discover that they
struggle in an internet class and that their grades suffer as
well. It is important to make an educated decision before
enrolling so your academic record does not suffer from a hasty