Online Degrees
The widespread use of the Internet has not only changed the way
that people communicate and obtain daily information, but it has
also changed the manner in which people are schooled. Gone are
the days of packed lecture halls and number two pencils, instead
many universities are now offering online degrees to students
from all over the world. However convenient these online degrees
may be, though, there are still some things you should look for
in the online degrees available to you via the internet.
Many universities have been created around offering online
degrees and other traditional colleges and universities are now
offering online degrees, too. Whether you are looking to attend
a traditional school or obtain any online degrees, it is
important to look only at universities that are accredited. It
may not seem important at first, as you may think all online
degrees are the same, but in fact, attending an unaccredited
university can keep you from getting certain jobs or prohibit
you from taking certification exams. For instance if you are
looking for online degrees in education, you must attend an
accredited university in order to obtain your teaching
certification in most states. There are six agencies that
accredit schools offering both traditional an online degrees.
They are the Middle States, New England, North Central,
Northwest, Southern, and Western accrediting associations.
Before you look at the online degrees at any school, make sure
they are accredited through one of these organizations.
Besides accreditation, you should also check out the technology
that any school offering online degrees uses. Make sure that
your computer is going to be able to use the technology or that
it will not cause your computer to crash. For instance, if you
are looking at online degrees and have a Mac, you should make
sure your program is Mac compatible. Also, be wary of colleges
offering online degrees that are "experimenting" with new
technologies. Sometimes they have a number of glitches, so make
sure that there are other options to gain the information you
will need for your online degrees.
Online degrees sound great, and many universities are building
the technology to offer distance learning programs. Yet, some
universities still require you to use other mediums to obtain
your online degrees besides your computer. Some programs require
you to use video or telephone conferencing that are less
effective. The best online degrees are earned from universities
that are fully taught online. Being fully taught via the
internet also means that you should look at online degree
programs that are taught by qualified professors. Many online
programs only hire local teachers that may not be the best
professors in their field, or they hire fine professors who have
little knowledge on how to use the internet effectively. Check
into the faculty before you obtain your online degrees in order
to be sure you are getting a quality education.
If you are looking to get quality teaching with online degrees,
then you need to research each school carefully. Talk to other
students and look into several universities offering both
traditional programs and online degrees. Compare the curriculum
and class size of varying universities offering online degrees.
Find class sizes that are small so that you will be assured of
individual attention. Also, check into how the school will help
you finance obtaining your online degrees. Graduation rates and
career placement numbers are also indications of the quality of
any online degrees that the school offers.
Read the rest of the article here: Online Degrees.
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