Can You Handle a Long Distance Relationship?
A long distance relationship will work for you if:
- You trust your partner completely.
- You like to spend time alone.
- You have many outside hobbies and interests
- You're like a sexual camel and can go weeks, if not
months, without sexual intimacy.
- You can afford high speed Internet, are computer literate
and can operate a web cam.
- You love to talk on the phone.
- You know how to turn your lover on over the phone and the
- You don't feel lonely when out with other couples.
- You have the confidence that you can handle this
relationship well, no matter what comes your way (including
a possible separation.)
- You know how to keep busy.
- You have supportive friends.
A long distance relationship will NOT work for you if:
- You or the other partner has a history of alcoholism or
addiction. Often infidelity and unpredictability accompany
these issues leading to a long-distance catastrophe.
- You or the other partner has a history of manic depression
or depression. Once again infidelity and unpredictability
accompany these disorders.
- You are the third wheel in a love triangle. If he or she
is off to see an ex, a wife or children you might have a
problem on your hands.
- You are an emotionally insecure codependent who suffers
from anxiety if he or she goes to the store, never mind a
long ways away.
- You have a history of jealousy or suspicion.
- You need a hug every day.
- You need sex every day.
- You do not write good letters or don't like communicating
via email or yahoo messenger.
- You don't communicate well on the phone.
- You can't afford a computer or long distance calls.
About the Author
Debbie Anderson is author of: "Love At A Distance - 47
Simple Ways to Improve Your Long-Distance Relationship
Today!" You can get it free for a limited time at: