The History of Cohiba Cigars

For a brand of cigars that started out with no name Cohiba Cigars have gone a long way in gaining recognition as the best cigar in the world. Cohiba cigars started their journey from being a cigar favored by one of Castro's body guards to a favorite of Fidel himself. He was so impressed with these cigars he asked Eduardo Ribera, the local artisan who originally created these fine cigars, to come make them exclusively for the President. Accepting the invitation he went to work in an Italiante mansion in El Laguito, a suburb of Havana, under strict security of Castros own guards. In 1968 these nameless cigars were finally produced under the name Cohiba, coming in three sizes, each a personal favorite of Fidel, the Cohiba Lancero, the Cohiba Corona Especiale, and the Cohiba Panetela. Because they were all new they were given factory names of Lagito No. 1, No. 2 which had the unique feature of a tiny pigtail on their caps, and No. 3. After 14 years of only being available to the government and diplomats Davidoff adopted the Cohiba, offering the No.1, the No. 2, and the Ambassadrice when he was granted his brand in 1969 and then by Montecristo in the early 1970s as the Especial, the Especial No. 2, and the Joyita. Jeff Henderson President