Simple tips on saving can very often make quite a big difference to your finances. Saving means giving up something now, so you will have more in the future. A consistent, long-term saving program can help you achieve your goals. It also can help you build a financial safety net. Experts recommend that you save from three to six months worth of living expenses for emergencies.
Savings grow beyond what you contribute because of compound interest. Over time, the value of compound interest works to every saver's advantage. Keep in mind, however, that inflation reduces the return on your money.
It's not easy deferring or eliminating purchasing things you want today but like everything else in life, the more you do it the easier it becomes. Here are some useful saving tips to help you:
Take a portion of your wages from every paycheque before you pay any bills and use your company's payroll deduction plan, if available to arrange for a fixed amount to be taken out so that you never see it. What you don't see, you don't spend. Alternatively, you can make automatic current account withdrawals into a savings account.
When you get a raise, save all or most of it.
Pay off your credit card balances and save the money you're no longer spending on interest.
Move credit card balances to a card with a lower interest rate and use the savings to pay off the balance.
Keep your car a year or two longer. Save the money you would have spent on a new car.
Do your own car routine maintenance and make regular repairs.
Stop smoking. If you cannot stop, then at least cut down on the amount you smoke.