Creativity Management

Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation.

There are other useful definitions in this field, for example, creativity can be defined as consisting of a number of ideas, a number of diverse ideas and a number of novel ideas.

There are distinct processes that enhance problem identification and idea generation and, similarly, distinct processes that enhance idea selection, development and commercialisation. Whilst there is no sure fire route to commercial success, these processes improve the probability that good ideas will be generated and selected and that investment in developing and commercialising those ideas will not be wasted.

When to add talent

First one must master the craft. Then one adds talent. Then the endeavour begins to enter the realms of artistry. Craft includes the following:

a) Structure. Ideas are much easier to develop when they are situated within a framework.

b) Process. A coherent work process increases output and a consistently refined process consistently refines and improves the quality of output. Improves methodology, knowledge and procedure to eventually maximise performance.

c) Incremental productivity. Breaks up a larger whole into smaller, more manageable pieces. Produces more output than a