The Daily Diva Word: Indulge

Welcome to the Daily Diva Word. These words are intended to motivate you, challenge you to have more fun and help you remember the precious gift of your life. Today's word is INDULGE.

Somewhere along the way the word Indulge has gotten a bad rap. It is not the Indulgence that is evil; like everything else in life, it is the over indulgence of anything that can lead to trouble. Indulging yourself, in moderation, on a daily basis actually makes you much more fun to be around.

What is the reaction you have when you hear the word Indulge? Do you become excited or recoil; as if indulging yourself is a bad thing? How you react gives you insight in your readiness to accept the good that life has to offer. As women we are trained to give, give, give. The secret in all things is balance and until we train ourselves to receive we will remain off balance in our lives.

How will you indulge yourself today? Make sure that your indulgence involves one of your senses: sight, smell, hearing, taste or touch. Our senses are the messengers of our happiness. We tend to take them for granted, like many things in our life. Planning a little indulgence forces us to acutally be present to the wonder of our life.

Today, My indulgence is simple and delicious. I bought Three Musketeer