George W. Bush: The Feline-Ferret President

Pet stores offer the perfect outlet for the Pet-Looker, those of us who experience on occasion, a sudden impulsive urge to own a pet. A quick breeze past the dogs accompanied by much cooing-"That Jack Russell is adorable! Look at that! Sleeping in his dog bowl!"- is recommended Pet-Looker therapy that usually does the trick. The urge to own is satisfied. Memories of total responsibility and time involved required to own a pet kick in. The Pet-Looker moves onward and forward. My son and I recently engaged in pet-looking. The "in and out" was planned. No lingering, no eye contact with any animal for more than two seconds, and definitely, no physical contact with any breathing creature. Should any thought even slightly permeate the thought process..."Nine hundred dollars? That's cheap for a lifetime of devotion!"...immediately apply sensory intervention. Stand by an open kennel door. Inhale deeply. Olfactory sense ignites, flare and engage the Visual Future: years of early morning walks with that adorable Jack Russell, pooper scooper in hand, rain, snow, sleet or hail. Exit pet store pronto. Word from the wise. Watch out for the cats. Housed in strategically placed accessible cages, cats are the last ditch effort by the pet store owner to detain customers from departing the store petless. Sleek, soft, beautiful, independent, cats practically take care of themselves. As veteran Pet-Lookers, my son and I are well aware of the "lure and secure" tactic. Yet, on our way out, we stopped at the cage of an interesting calico cat. We examined and pondered. This cat was unusual. It looked a little different, sort of a cross between a feline and a ferret. The cat rubbed its head against the cage. We scratched the offered ear...and our heads. What would owning a feline-ferret be like? One nanosecond past the ear scratch, we stuck with our plan and left the store. We looked-were momentarily lured-and fought a less than thought out decision to buy a cat that just happened upon us. Although seemingly a normal everyday cat, the ferret side was far too disturbing not to notice. The cat just wasn't quite right. It actually had appeared slightly impaired. Our President is a lot like that house cat. George W. Bush happened on the path of the White House as a sudden political force to reckon with. He appeared normal and demonstrated an ability to "talk to regular folk." Many Americans wanted to tip back a beer with George. He was their kind of guy. As a Republican with a professed religious faith, he believed in family values, less government, and fiscal conservatism. Yet almost half the country-probably all closet Pet-Lookers- perceived something less than desirable with George W. Although a blueblood Ivy-League college graduate, the pedigree did not match the man. He appeared less educated. He didn't speak well. His mannerisms were weird, almost "tourettic" and embarrassing to watch when speaking publicly. His business resume that included the mismanagement of companies into bankruptcy became as infamous as his inability to verbally communicate coherent thoughts without destroying the English language. The family image appeared intact, although his "Daddy complex" with George Bush Sr. became obvious even to the most disinterested. George W. Bush, Yale graduate, appeared simple minded. Just like the feline-ferret, the man just wasn't quite right. He appears impaired. The rest, as they say, is history. Democrats were caught sleeping in their dog bowls with the 2000 selection, i.e. election, of George W. Bush and missed the second opportunity to regain the White House in 2004. Those American voters who used beer drinking criteria to elect a President are held accountable and to blame as the country reels from the invasion of individual privacy rights, an inalienable right on which this country was founded. George W. Bush places himself above the law to illegally wiretap and domestically spy upon Americans, citing the fight against terrorism as reason enough to proceed as a President whose power remains unchecked. The fact the man lied about reasons to declare war on Iraq is almost a footnote as seemingly every month the American public is presented with a new unconstitutional faux pas by the President and/or his staff. The last ditch effort by this President to revitalize his voting base- now that the going is getting rough and his approval numbers are in the toilet- is perhaps the most unconscionable act by this elected official. He continues to fuel the fire of the philosophical civil war that has turned red states against blue states, rural against urban, union against professional, by inciting the effective "us against them" other words, turning Americans against Americans, countrymen against countrymen. What additional abuse of constitutional rights will Americans be forced to endure as this administration continues to tread upon the laws of this land? How many more rights are Americans prepared to forfeit? Can this country survive the Bush Presidency until the 2008 election? Immediately engage your Visual Future of the United States with this feline-ferret of a man at the helm-two more years of constitutional abuse for everyday Americans accompanied by unlimited, unchecked power bestowed upon the President by the President himself. The cat is out of the bag. Impeach George W. Bush.