How to Quiet those Nagging Stressful Moments
At some level, all of us experience at different stages of life.
Quite often it's a circumstantial anxiety due to a feeling of
being out of control, dissatisfied with life circumstances,
worried that something bad or worse will happen, or a general
feeling of not dealing well with uncertainty. So anxiety is a
normal feeling for many, and even a normal sign of being human.
But for many anxiety has become a dominant force in their life,
one that affects their self-esteem, confidence, relationships,
career, and is a constant inner voice churning that things are
not right and that they may get worse. What may have initially
been a circumstantial anxiety that ebbs and flows and shows up
in minor non-debilitating ways becomes something more. For these
people, it's an issue of physiology or biology - one where the
anxiety starts in the brain or chemical makeup in the body. And
this is where anxiety can become debilitating. What scarier
feeling in the world could there be for your own body and mind
to become your own enemy, and for the emotions you're feeling to
be largely beyond your control. And frequently the results can
become acute, such as an anxiety attack or a regrettable
conversation or out of control behavior at work or at home. For
these people, after months or years of suffering in silence,
help is needed and available. Frequently this is through the
support of a therapist or mental health counselor who can
provide a safe forum in which to process and discuss what is
going on - mostly someone who can normalize and help regulate
one's experiences. A close friend or small group of friends can
also lend support. Additionally, a visit to a psychiatrist can
help uncover whether this condition truly is biochemical in
nature. Through brief experimentation with various medications,
it could be determined whether a deficiency exists in a specific
brain chemical that regulates anxiety. Often the use of
medication, despite some side effects, and add normalcy to one's
life. Despite having a condition which may be with them for
life, at least they can experience a sense of freedom and relief
from what otherwise may be a predominant way of being. Relief is
available for someone suffering from anxiety.