Environmental Compliance; Mobile Auto Detailing

There are environmental compliance issues in automotive detailing, but how much does all this really help the environment. In the auto detailing industry we know we must comply and do with these regulations, yet often one has to ask them selves, why are we really doing this? Sometimes one has to think that much of these are not as much about the environment as much as from competitors who use the environment and government as a way to attack the mobile car washes and detailers from taking their business. Some mobile auto detailers think the carwash owners need to do better work and stop pointing fingers. Meanwhile some legitimate rules on the environment do make sense.

A little soap is good for the environment, but we are not allowed to let soap run into a storm drain. While it is true that there are harsh chemicals and detergents that are currently used by industry and homeowners that should never be allowed free to run into our ecosystem, most basic soap won