Home remedies have always been most preferred way to solve any kind of problem. It is because they are truly natural and reliable. They generally do not require extra expenditure; only the things that you already have in your refrigerator or kitchen. They are quick and more effective.
You can also cure acne naturally. Try making out masks, facials, packs and cleansers of home grown stuff, and get back a smooth, gentle, clear skin within few seconds. These will also help you to stimulate, relax and tone your skin without leaving any side effects.
The first step to this is to identify the type of skin you have. Oily skin usually has shiny, visible pores and is prone to break outs while a dry skin is rough, chap and flaky. It is not unusual to have the combination of the two types. Your skin may be oily at the T-region (the forehead, nose and chin) while dry at cheeks. A red, blotchy thin skin usually indicates a sensitive skin.
Once you know what kind of skin you have, get down to collect the things for preparing the masks that suits you the best.
If you possess oily skin, apply the liquefied core of two crisp apples or a liquefied big ripped tomato for 20 minutes on your face and then wash it of. You will see the difference soon.
Similarly you can apply natural masks on your face. Blend two large bananas with a one-tablespoon of raw honey for 20 minutes and you will have a shiny glowing skin.
Pimples can also be cured with a light massage of rose and sevti flowers extract, done thrice a day.
If from the beginning you take a few precautions, you might not develop the problem of acne. Avoid eating opposite foods. Don