A Few Simple Facts About Purple Martins

Purple Martins are the largest member of the swallow family.
However, in flight their wings are more triangular than other swallows.

Males are a handsome lot having a violet head and body with black on wing and tail. Females, youngsters, and first year males are light bellied and look very similar to smaller swallows.

The song of a martin is a distinctive, low pitched liquid
rolling twitter and is unmistakeable.

Purple Martins have been known to build their nests in cavities of dead or dying trees, holes in cliffs, or just about anywhere from 3 to 30 feet high. But the most popular nesting place for the martin is in your own back yard int the houses you construct and put up for them. Their nests are made from leaves, grass, straw and twigs and the eggs are white and unmarked.

Purple Martins feed on a variety of flying insects, flies,
bees, beetles, flying ants and moths, and here in the south, the dreaded mosquito!!

Many people build Purple Martin houses to attract martins early in the spring, which are generally
well liked by the birds. They prefer the wooden condominium type houses. Most people like to paint there bird house white as white keeps the house cooler and is attractive to the birds. Aluminum and plastic is used also in the commercially built bird house, but wood is by far the best choice for keeping cool. The best height to mount your bird house is from 15 to 20 in the air, but lower heights to 10 feet will work in wide open spaces. Always be sure to put a predator guard on the pole to prevent predatory cats or other vermin from raiding the nests.

You can find just about any type of Purple Martin bird house made of Western Red Cedar at Cedar Creek Woodshop. Give it a look, won