10 Non-Business Strategies for Business Success

1. You are separate from your business.
Very often entrepreneurs, professional practitioners and
small business owners are so absorbed by their work that
they are unable to differentiate between their job and
themselves, between their work and their lives. Remember
that your business is the means to achieving the goals in
your life; it is not your life.

2. The 'whole' person goes to work every day.
Have you ever tried to leave your right arm at home when you
go to work in the morning? It's a ridiculous suggestion..
Yet that is exactly what we expect of ourselves and those
who work for us. This is not about allowing personal issues
to interfere with productivity. It's about acknowledging
that your whole self shows up. We tend to work a lot harder
when we feel heard and acknowledged. Instead of interfering
with productivity, it will generally boost productivity.

3. You can demand dignity, but you have to earn respect.
There are basic common courtesies that everyone is entitled
to. The rest you have to earn. If you think about the
people that you respect, you will soon realize that you
respect them because of who they are and what they do, not
because of 'what' they are. They may come to your notice
because of their role, but it is their actions that command

4. Your actions speak louder than your words.
Specifically, what you reward speaks louder than words. Many
business initiatives have failed because management didn't
reward the behavior it espoused. And what gets rewarded
gets repeated. What doesn't get 'punished' is also
important in this regard.

5. You can make wise business decisions and treat people
with respect at the same time.
Sometimes it is necessary to make some very difficult
bottom-line decisions. Most people, when given the
opportunity, can stand back and say 'that makes sense'
or even 'that makes the most sense'. People are capable
of doing this even when their jobs are impacted. What some
businesses don't understand is that HOW you implement the
decision is often more important than WHAT decision you
make. Ultimately, people don't talk about the fact that
they lost their job, they talk about how they were treated
in the process of losing their job. It's an important
distinction that affects the reputation of the company

6. Lead your associates; Manage your systems.
The businesses that are most successful are those that
understand the difference between people and systems.
Systems operate at maximum effectiveness when they are
managed tightly; people operate at maximum effectiveness
when they are led and inspired.

7. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.
Letting your associates, customers, vendors, backers, family
know 'What, When, Where, How and Why'. Communicating
fully - even when it's about why you changed your mind -
creates trust.

8. Have a compelling vision.
Everybody, including you, needs a good reason to go to work
every day. Get crystal clear about your vision and then
share it with everyone. Help them understand and buy into
it. This is often overlooked and considered as taking time
away from the business. If you are the leader, this is your
most important role. In addition to giving your associates a
clear sense of purpose, it ends up saving you time as
others make better choices (that is, choices in line with
your direction and vision) on a daily basis.

9. Say 'Thank You' Often.
You are not the only one that likes to be acknowledged. The
more often you say 'thank you' - to individuals up, down
and across the organization - the more you will enhance
your relationships and your reputation. The strongest
leaders say 'thank you' often.

10. Learn, Stretch, Grow.
Become committed to life-long learning. This applies to
what you do for a living (technical abilities), how you do
it (innovative systems and structures), how you implement
it (behavioral competencies), and stuff you just want to
know (personal development, arts, whatever). This will keep
you current in your present position and prepare you better
for any changes down the road.

About the Author

(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach
who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their
best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to
accept total support). Find many free resources to assist
you in living the life of your dreams at
http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter
of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best
life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com