Decorating a Bedroom using Color Psycology

Color can have an astounding effect on perceptions, feelings, and interactions. Different colors evoke different memories and different ideas. In the bedroom, where one is supposed to be most at ease, it is important that you plan out your color scheme so that it creates the maximum comfort for you.

Psychologists have been studying the effects of color on people for many years. While they have made many discoveries about color effects on people in different societies, they have not found any effects that occur across all societies. For instance in China the color red tends to make people feel calm, while in America red tends to make people more aggressive. This means that the effect of color on a persons mind is individual and perceptual, rather then being physiological and inherent. In order to choose the right color for a setting, you will have to get in touch with your inner self, and see which color you harmonize best with. In the bedroom one tries to achieve maximum relaxation. By choosing the colors that you feel most comfortable with, you will find the greatest contentment with your decor.

Think about the following colors. Think about each one separately. Think about their different shades, how you feel about them, what they invoke in you.

Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Violet. Purple. White. Black

Once you have gained insight into how you feel about those colors, you can read about the general effects these colors have on people in American society. Don