Once you set up your autoresponder account, now you need to start promoting it! There are tons of places and ways you can do that... But let me give you at least six to start with.
These six places are...
On websites,
In newsletters,
In classified ads,
In "signature files,"
On business stationery
And in digital goods.
On Websites
The most popular place for advertising an autoresponder is on the web. You can post your email link or set up a form that triggers your autoresponder on your own website.
It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you use your autoresponder for providing more information on a product, your website becomes a 24-hour customer service person...
Working around the clock for you, even while you sleep!
One of the most useful ways of using smart autoresponders is to offer a brief synopsis of your website via autoresponder, particularly for those visitors who may be in a hurry.
But there are many others. In fact, autoresponders have innumerable uses and advantages. For example (and this is just a partial list), autoresponders are great for offering...
"Digital" catalogues
Specific product information
Answers to frequently asked questions (F.A.Q.)
Free stuff, such as courses, ezines or reports
Special offers or (printable) "coupons"
Samples, demos or previews
Agreements, contracts or proposals
Transcripts and manuscripts
Etc, etc, etc.
You can also add attachments to your autoresponses. So, if you sell, say, digital products like software, then once a person buys on your website they get instant delivery!
But that's not all... You can advertise your autoresponder not only on web pages but also on pop-ups (i.e., those small windows that pop-up when you enter or leave a website).
Admittedly, pop-ups are annoying for some people. But when used for building an opt-in list (as discussed in lesson #3), such as offering a newsletter, they can be very productive!
Do you practice reciprocal linking? In other words, do you exchange links with other webmasters? If so, why not use your autoresponder instead of a plain link to your website?
People will seldom stay or buy the first time when clicking on a link. But if your link is for an autoresponder that offers a free report, a free newsletter or a free email course, you...
... Kill two birds with one stone!
In other words, unlike a URL that people click and visit only once, people who get your autoresponder emails are exposed to your website, business, product or offer more than once!
There are other places to promote your autoresponder. For example, you can use it with banners, some pay-per-click search engines or even with your own affiliate program!
If you have an affiliate program, you can offer your affiliates a web form they can use to promote you