Selecting The Location Of The Wedding Ceremony

The wedding ceremony is where two individuals unite to become one. Choosing the location for this event would seem a simple task, but it's actually one that requires much planning and coordination, especially if a non-traditional ceremony is being planned.

Many couples will hold the wedding ceremony at a house of worship, usually one that the bride, the groom, or some other family member attends. When this is the case, selecting the location is fairly easy, provided the date is available. But what happens when the bride- and groom-to-be are of different denominations? More tricky still, how is the situation handled when the couple doesn't have any religious affiliation?

That's when the couple needs to get together to discusses their wedding ceremony location options. And there are many. Selecting the location of the ceremony should happen well in advance of the wedding date, up to 12 months if possible. If you wait too long to reserve the location, you may find it's already booked.

Besides a house of worship, wedding ceremony locations can be practically anywhere