How to Choose the Right Bulbs for Your Spring Flower Garden

Choosing the right bulbs involves more than just selecting colors and cultivars. Timing, bulb size, and most importantly, bulb health are equally significant factors in designing your spring garden.

Before purchasing any bulbs, know the differences in bulb types. Along with true bulbs, several types of flowers, sold as bulbs, grow from the underground stem growth of rhizomes, tubers, and corms.

Bulb Health

The first part in selecting healthy bulbs is knowing the bulb parts.

  1. The tunic of a bulb is the paper-like outside of the bulb that protects it from damage and keeps it from drying out.

  2. The scale leaves are under the tunic and hold all the nutrients needed to grow the cultivar.

  3. The first parts of the plant to push through the soil are the immature leaves, closely followed (or so we hope) by the flower bud and the stem.

  4. The roots of bulb cultivars grow from the basal plate, which lies at the bottom of each bulb.

  5. Healthy bulbs are firm, well rounded, and heavy for their size. Although bulbs come in a range of colors, some even with distinctive patterns, color should be uniform with no dark patches or light splotches. Discard any bulbs with weak spots or spongy area, which are signs of rot caused by disease or other damage.

    Bulb Size

    A double-edged tip for selecting bulbs is