Kuang Ping was the T'ai-chi set favored by Yang Lu-Chan, the man who brought forward the "Yang" style in the mid-1800's, now so popular throughout the world. Kuang Ping is what the man trained with himself. The popular "Yang" set was/is something for the masses--not for the aficinado, the athlete, the martial artist.
I learned Kuang Ping from Kuo Lien Ying (that's him above, taken in the late 1960's), third generation student of Yang Lu Chan. I was already an accomplished runner and martial artist when I started training (1970), so it was difficult to please me in the arena of athletics--but 75 yr-old Kuo was definitely impressive! Eventually I studied five T'ai-chi sets, but his was/is definitely the most dynamic and challenging.
I teach two sets currently: a short Yang style (for beginners and the unfit) and Kuang Ping. They are both available on tape.