Brazil--Comments by a Gilliam Fan a Little Too Late

Either I am one of the darkest people ever or this was not one of the darkest movies ever made as its own packaging claims. I have vowed to myself not to use the following words: Orwellian or futuristic, though I had to use that sentence to get them out and make room for free, original thought.

First, of course, thoughts on Gilliam (again, just to make room). When I first saw anything of his it was on Monty Python when I was twelve so obviously it was an animation and more than a little off-putting (only because I was twelve though). It was not until I was eighteen that I realized what I had been seeing was something I should have put more focus on and paid more attention to as I had recently had a revelation of wanting to be a filmmaker myself. I cursed myself when I found out he had directed actual things and found myself two years later watching Brazil for the first time after succumbing to a new-found love of Gilliam