Understanding That Online Writing is Business Writing Will Make You a Fortune

Never before in the history of the business of writing have opportunities opened up and presented themselves on such a large scale and in such huge quantities for writers to easily win so much regular business and revenue.

If you know anything about writers of old you will know that they mostly starved, some to death. Yes, they often had to pay such a high price for their love of writing.

Today everything has changed so dramatically and so suddenly. Thanks mainly to the internet and the huge hungry market it continues to build at high every day, the business of writing has been changed forever.

Sadly however, many writers are yet to fully wake up to the new realties of the internet and the fresh and different business and revenue opportunities that are suddenly within such easy reach of any writer. Many offline writers are still stuck saying that they will never write $3 or $5 articles (see my article on this controversial subject at


Yet the same writers had no problem starting off their careers writing 10-cents-per-word articles in the old days. Some even wrote for publications that pay in copies and others that don